Feijóo Investiture, live | Feijóo on amnesty: “It is neither legally nor ethically acceptable”

Feijoo Investiture live Feijoo on amnesty It is neither

Puigdemont on the negotiations over an amnesty law: “What Esquerra says doesn’t worry me”

Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has distanced himself from ERC claims that the amnesty law is already being negotiated with the PSOE. “I am not from Esquerra, so I cannot speak for what ERC says, nor do I feel concerned about what Esquerra says, agrees or disagrees with. “It has nothing to do with what we do,” he said in brief statements at the House of European History in Brussels, where he took part in an event celebrating Europe’s minority languages ​​and their linguistic communities, for which they spoke several Catalan dictionaries and one for Aranese.

Beyond these brief comments, Puigdemont maintains the secrecy he has maintained with the press for weeks. “Now we have to listen to others,” he said ironically, referring to the investiture process led by PP candidate Alberto NúñezFeijóo.

The event in Brussels, which was also attended by former city councilor Toni Comín, an MEP from Junts like Puigdemont, took place in close proximity to where Spain defended its proposal to introduce official languages ​​in an EU Council of Ministers just a week ago . of the EU, Catalan, Basque and Galician, which was also used in the Congress of Deputies on the same day. The proposal, one of the conditions of Junts, to support an eventual investiture of Pedro Sánchez if that of Núñez Feijóo fails as expected, was presented by the Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares, who announced that if it is carried out – It will require unanimity, the is far from guaranteed among the 27 Member States that have asked for more time to examine the full impact of the measure. – The use of Catalan in the European institutions will be a priority, although it was assured that this would only happen once Spain’s three co-official languages ​​achieved official language status in the EU. A distinction that has caused anger among other nationalist parties, particularly the PNV.

Shortly before the event, which was also attended by the Minister of Culture and Language Policy and spokesman for the Basque Government, Bingen Zupiria, he avoided a “controversy” about the award to Albares, emphasizing that the “positive” is that “for” For the first time in the EU, the opportunity has been opened to consider the possibility of three official languages ​​of the Spanish state, such as Catalan, Galician and Basque, also being officially recognized in the EU.”