Feline coronavirus outbreak kills more than 300000 cats in Middle

Feline coronavirus outbreak kills more than 300,000 cats in Middle East

Posted on 7/12/2023 11:24 p.m

Feline coronavirus outbreak kills more than 300,000 cats in Middle East  (Source: Freepik Reproduction)

Feline coronavirus outbreak kills more than 300,000 cats in Middle East (Source: Freepik Reproduction)

In the last six months, more than 300,000 cats have died from feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). The disease is caused by the feline coronavirus (FCoV) and erupts mainly in Cyprus, a popular Middle Eastern island known as the “Island of Cats”. Although it poses no danger to humans, the strain can be deadly to animals if not handled properly.

According to the country’s Department of Agriculture, there have only been 107 cases of FIP on the south side of the island, but veterinarians believe the number could be much higher. According to the organizations CAT PAWS Cyprus and Cyprus Voice for Animals, the number of victims of the strain already exceeds 300,000.

According to the Pancyprian Veterinary Association, this is the first reported outbreak of this magnitude, which began in the capital Nicosia in January and spread across the island. The biggest challenge for those responsible is to record the actual number of cases, as there are many cats living on the streets on the island.

To bring the situation under control and prevent the virus from spreading further, domesticated cats are being quarantined in clinics while veterinarians try to treat animals showing symptoms. The main symptoms include fever, swelling of the abdomen, weakness and aggression.

What is FIP and how is it treated?

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is an infectious viral disease caused by feline coronavirus (FCoV). The most common victims are kittens and young cats up to two years old. In most cases, cats come to the clinic with severe symptoms, which include fever, abdominal swelling, weakness, and aggression.

Diagnosis includes general laboratory tests, antibody research, or molecular tests for virus detection. Veterinary associations are working with two forms of treatment: the first is the use of the drug remdesivir to treat Covid19, but the drug is not approved for use in cats in Brazil. The second treatment is molnupiravir, an antiviral drug already known to treat the disease in cats.

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