Felipe Ricca son of Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca debuts

Felipe Ricca, son of Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca, debuts as an actor

Felipe Ricca, son of Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca, will graduate in Performing Arts at the end of this year. The actor says that the profession was not in his plans and that it was not easy for him to make this decision.

Felipe Ricca, son of Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca, debuts as an actor  Photo0: Reproduction/ Instagram

Felipe Ricca, son of Adriana Esteves and Marco Ricca, debuts as an actor Photo0: Reproduction/ Instagram

Photo: Celebrities and Celebrities

In an interview with QuemThe actor revealed that he believes he was born with a passion for acting. “I’m interested [pela atuação] since birth, but I have created a lifelong block. I convinced myself that it wasn’t for me. But I always loved it. I think I was born with this passion,” he said.

In 2020, Marco Ricca was hospitalized with Covid and intubated. This led to him feeling the need to study theater. “I found myself in a situation where I felt a huge emptiness and I needed to understand what I needed to fill that void. I asked for divine help and felt that the answer would be to study performing arts,” he said.

When asked if he was the heir to two actors, Felipe Ricca promptly replied that he was inspired by them. “Everything I am reflects who they are. They are what they are only because they were once young dreamers like me. They had ambitions and goals that went beyond individual pleasures and sought to make a positive impact on the world through their love for their profession.” “I do the same thing, I learned it that way,” he emphasized.

In fact, Felipe Ricca has the support of his lover Flávia Mekler and his stepfather Vladimir Brichta.