1699556317 Femicide in Brownsburg Chatham The defendant is said to have confessed

Femicide in Brownsburg-Chatham: The defendant is said to have confessed to his crime in the following minutes –

The 78-year-old man accused of shooting his neighbor in Brownsburg-Chatham in 2020 is said to have confessed to his crime in the minutes after the tragedy, despite previously expressing his desire to get rid of the victim, for a trivial history of land demarcation.

• Also read: [IMAGES CHOQUANTES] The victim tried to escape from her killer in Brownsburg-Chatham

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• Also read: Femicide in Brownsburg-Chatham: The defendant is said to have carried out a raid before the tragedy

“I killed them.” “It’s passed on on the backs of hunters,” Howard Charles Kirby is reported to have said to his neighbor Julie Paquet as he stood in her Edina Road garage shortly after the tragedy.

The 50-year-old woman testified on Thursday morning at the jury trial of the septuagenarian, which continued at the Saint-Jérôme courthouse.

Kirby is charged with the premeditated murder of his neighbor Bonnie-Lyn Finnigan on October 14, 2020.

Brownsburg-Chatham Murder

Bonnie-Lyn Finnigan, here surrounded by three of her five children. On the left is her daughter Kelly Flynn and on the right is her daughters Crystal Finnigan and Katie Flynn. Courtesy of the victim’s family

On that day, the 62-year-old woman was killed by a shot from a 12-caliber rifle at around 2:15 p.m., the court admitted.

The projectile reportedly caused more than 140 holes in his body.

The jury has already been shown disturbing video recordings. In it we see a person shooting the victim.

WARNING, the following images may shock some people.

These videos were allegedly recorded by surveillance cameras installed in Ms. Finnigan’s home.


When the victim was discovered lying on her property by a friend in the seconds after the tragedy, Kirby was seen leaving his home in a pickup truck at full speed.

According to court testimony, the defendant went to his other neighbor’s house, about 500 meters from the scene of the tragedy.

The latter, Julie Paquet, is said to have seen him emptying a firearm magazine in his garage. That’s when he made this disturbing confession to her.

“I understood that he killed his neighbor Bonnie,” Ms. Paquet testified. I was surprised and angry that he put me in this position. I have values.”

“It happened quickly. He left so quickly,” she continued, while Kirby allegedly left the gun there.

To differentiate

According to this neighbor, the defendant had expressed his dislike of Ms. Finnigan in the past “that he would kill her.”

“He told me that things weren’t going well between the two of them, that they were in a court case, that it was about the demarcation of the country,” she said. That she had cut down trees on the border.”

Kirby would also have told him that this dispute was expensive for him in legal fees and that he was “tired”.

Ms. Paquet then quickly went to the crime scene to alert authorities that the murder weapon could be in her garage.

Brownsburg-Chatham Murder

Gun and guitar box discovered by authorities in a neighbor’s garage about 500 yards from the crime scene. Photo evidence submitted

The process takes all day.

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