Feminist revolution in Iran We must stop making the veil

Feminist revolution in Iran: “We must stop making the veil a symbol of Islam,” says the first

the main Masih Alinejad was a journalist in Iran. The feminist activist, who was forced into exile in 2009, is at the origin of the movement that prompted Iranian women to shed their mandatory veil. Kahina Bahloul is France’s first imam. The Franco-Algerian Islamologist of the Sufi tradition was co-founder of “La Mosquée Fatima”, which promotes liberal Islam. Both support the feminist revolution in Iran.

A flower in her long curly hair. Masih Alinejad is showing the color on social networks and media around the world where it is very present. In English, Farsi, French, Italian… The Iranian journalist living in exile in the United States is the voice of the women who have been demonstrating in Iran since September 16, 2022. Very quickly, Masih Alinejad challenged Western feminists after the death of Mahsa Amini, a young Kurd who was arrested and beaten in Tehran for wearing an ill-fitting veil.

Also read:
Iranian women’s uprising, attacks on secularism in schools… France is facing the new battles of the veil

In a tweet published this Friday, she points out that “the Tik Tok generation is becoming the greatest threat to the Islamic regime”, but she also knows that the most popular social network among young people in France is being used to promote the veil to advertise.


Hadis Najafi’s TikTok is full of videos of her dancing.

She was killed during a demonstration in Iran.

The TikTok generation is emerging as the greatest threat to the Islamic regime.

Her family says she was a happy person, she dreamed of a free Iran. pic.twitter.com/O1JgldkLBN

— Masih Alinejad \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f (@AlinejadMasih) 09/30/2022

She also puts the blame on politicians like Ségolène Royal, who donned a veil on her last visit to Iran to please the mullahs. ” Your turn ! Make videos! And say you were wrong… It’s up to you! And in another tweet, urging all Westerners, especially feminists, to speak up: “Make a video, cut yourself hair, burns a scarf, makes the voice of the Iranians heard. »

Kahina Bahloul doesn’t go so far as to urge Muslim women in France to burn their headscarves or veils, she who is most often bareheaded when not preaching. But in a column published in Le Monde newspaper on September 20, she expressed her “total support” for Iranian women who are “victims of medieval thought” and who are demonstrating by removing their veil. “They must finally be masters of their bodies, be able to dress as they want, take advantage of this achievement of modern thought. Especially since these women who are demonstrating by taking off their veil have their right, “the Imam insists that we must stop making the veil a symbol of Islam”. For them, wearing the veil is not obligatory. And, moreover, Kahina Bahloul recalls in her column that “a brief review of the issue shows that the veil has not always been the norm in Muslim societies.”