Fernanda Lima talks about her marriage to Rodrigo Hilbert If

Fernanda Lima talks about her marriage to Rodrigo Hilbert: “If the marriage ends one day, we have already agreed… VIP area.

Rodrigo Hilbert and Fernanda Lima Photo: Globo

The speaker Fernanda Lima broke the silence about celebrity breakups and spoke out for the first time about his relationship of more than twenty years Rodrigo Hilbert. It is worth remembering that for many followers of the couple, the artist is the “ideal husband”.

This is how Fernanda Lima explains, amid the label that her husband receives: “We cannot idealize that these qualities are necessary to hold a marriage together or even turn him into a hero.” “It would be a disservice to society and a “Injustice towards all women in Brazil and around the world,” says the presenter in an interview with “F5”.

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Amid the breakup of famous couples, Fernanda also said in the chat that she doesn’t want netizens to take her union with Hilbert as an example: “Romantic idealization is for those who watch, and not for those who live it.” Rodrigo and I are a couple of flesh and blood. “We will be a couple as long as it is good for us and our family,” explained the artist.

But even after revealing that Rodrigo is a good husband, the beauty clarifies: “Even if it ends one day (I hope it never happens), we have already achieved what we set out to do: a life together lead lives, raise a family and be partners in our dreams,” she emphasized.

Fernanda Lima talks about her return to television

At the end of the chat with the “F5” portal, Fernanda also commented on a possible return to television after spending a lot of time away from the screen. “I am very grateful for everything I have done and experienced on television. I needed these last four years to focus on my final pregnancy and motherhood. I think this was my biggest project in recent years. Now that she [Maria] “She’s already bigger, I feel more energetic and inspired to be creative again,” she confessed, without revealing whether she would return to soap operas or an attraction.

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