Fernanda Lira Talks Trauma After Tornado Destroys Venue on Crypta

Fernanda Lira Talks Trauma After Tornado Destroys Venue on Crypta Tour I Have More Discos Than Friends!

Fernanda LiraBassist and singer of the band cryptshared a powerful account summarizing the tragedy that occurred last Friday (31) when his group performed in the city of Belvidere, Illinois.

As we mentioned earlier, the Apollo Theater venue where Crypta was performing last Friday was hit by a tornado shortly after the band left the stage. The presentation was part of the tour the group was touring with other bands such as B. makes in the United States Skeletal remains, revocation It is Morbid Angel.

Photographer Estevam Romera, who accompanies the Brazilians and helps sell merch during the shows, shared some footage of the incident, which not only caused material damage but unfortunately killed one person and injured 40 others.

Through her Instagram account, Fernanda shared topics that attempted to answer some questions her fans had about the tragedy. After saying that “I wanted to make a video where I tell everything but I’m still not 100% okay,” the singer pointed out:

  • Summary of what happened: Tornado hit the venue where we played 3 days ago. The ceiling collapsed, seriously injuring 40 people and killing one. Part of the roof fell on our RV and we lost it. All the touring bands were in the basement or on the tour bus, so there are no injuries.
  • Yes, we received a tornado warning, but at the last minute and not hours in advance as is usually the case it was less than 15 minutes between the warning coming in and the tornado passing. It was unexpected even for the locals.
  • All the bands got their gear from the building the next day. We managed to break into our RV [motorhome] and take 95% of personal belongings with you.
  • We slept in a hotel for the last two days depending on the lifts and the other bands that took turns carrying our stuff.
  • Today we got our new mobile home, but we have a huge financial problem in this regard, which we will tell you later. We will need your immense support.

Crypta member updates fans on US tornado

In her account, the Crypta bassist made it clear that the tragedy left a very strong emotional impact, but as difficult as it is to play in this state, her band and the other groups would continue touring lest the journey continue result in a “financial catastrophe”.

Fernanda even appealed to her fans to keep helping the people who were there. She scored:

  • I’m still mentally shattered I haven’t figured it out yet, I had a breakdown yesterday morning from the piling up nervousness, but in general I’m doing a lot better than I thought as I’m scared. However, I have found that I am very sensitive to loud noises, sirens and strong winds on the street my body freezes and trembles. In general, everyone is shaken some more (like the boys who found the body of the deceased), some less, but all shaken.
  • “The tour goes on, as hard as it is for everyone’s psyche, but it would be a financial disaster and even greater trauma for all bands if the tour ended there.
  • We played the first show just 2 days after the tragedy. I didn’t know if it was going to be psychological but everything was going well including the bands gear. There are 17 shows left before the end of the tour.
  • — Now that the shock is over, my body has felt it, I’m a little nauseous. In addition to stress and little sleep, we spent a lot of cold the day of the tragedy and the next day recovering things this combination lowered my resistance/immunity.
  • — Please help affected fans, I post donation links in Stories every day.

Accompanying her statement, Lira shared a video with painful footage of the venue on the night of the tornado and also pictures of what the concert hall and its surroundings were like the next day.

You can watch Fernanda Lira’s video and share in the post below.