Ferragni quotYou are digital corpsesquot Ferragni39s dig The Sibylline Post

Ferragni, "You are digital corpses": Ferragni's dig? The Sibylline Post

1705477699 485 Ferragni quotYou are digital corpsesquot Ferragni39s dig The Sibylline Post

Fabrizio Corona published a cryptic post on his official Instagram profile that seems to indirectly implicate Chiara Ferragni. An active visitor to the internet, the King of the Paparazzi often relies on social media for information and backstory. That's not the case. “Instead of hiring social media experts, check out my Wikipedia… if you pay me I'll explain two things about communication, but when it comes to fraud, you've learned the lesson very well,” he wrote. Then the final blow: “You are digital corpses,” he added. The last words seemed to many to be a swipe at the most followed influencer in Italy, who found himself at the center of news last month due to Pandoro-Gate and the expansion of the investigation. However, the information, which is not very misleading for many, was not made explicit by the person concerned. The digital entrepreneur now shares recordings from everyday life sparingly and immortalizes herself primarily in the company of her children Leone and Vittoria.

Ferragni in the mountains.  Fedez in Milan with the dog, what's going on?

The Cuneo Public Prosecutor's Office has asked the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office to send the documents related to the investigation into the Balocco Pandoro case, which involves the entrepreneur and influencer Chiara Ferragni and the president and CEO of the confectionery company Alessandra Balocco. In fact, two proceedings have been opened on this case, one by the public prosecutor's office led by Onelio Dodero in Cuneo (Balocco has its headquarters in Fossano in the Cuneo area) and the other in the Lombard capital where Ferragni's companies are located Following the complaint by Codacons for serious fraud in the “Pandoro Pink Christmas” case and the charity at the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin, dozens of files have been opened across Italy. The Cuneo public prosecutor's office sent a formal request for the documents to be sent to the Milan deputy public prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Eugenio Fusco. It is likely that a question of local jurisdiction will arise, which, in the event of a conflict, could be resolved by the Attorney General's Office at the Court of Cassation.