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FESCARO, a pioneer in automotive cybersecurity, today announced an extraordinary achievement: the company is the first company in South Korea to achieve a grand slam by advising its customers and offering all four major international automotive cybersecurity certifications and while complying with international laws and standards.
As automotive software technologies evolve, cybersecurity vulnerabilities and hacking threats also increase. In response, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE WP.29) issued automotive cybersecurity regulations in 2020 (UN R155, R156). These regulations require car manufacturers wishing to sell vehicles in the 27 EU countries to have three essential certifications: CSMS (Cyber Security Management System), SUMS (Software Update and Management System, software updates) and VTA (Vehicle Type approval). This applies to all new vehicle types from July 2022 and all new vehicles produced from July 2024.
FESCARO has played a crucial role in helping K Group, a global automobile manufacturer, obtain all certifications in the three years since 2021, demonstrating its ability to provide practical and effective solutions. Its comprehensive approach included integrated regulatory consulting, Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA) methodology, security solutions, custom engineering, security testing, serial manufacturing deployment, IT infrastructure and a security gateway.
FESCARO enabled Kanavi Mobility, a global controller development company, to also achieve ISO/SAE 21434 certification in April 2023. This international cybersecurity technology standard provides the criteria for implementing CSMS.
Born from the synergy between a developer of electronic systems for the automobile and a hacker with good intentions, FESCARO offers practical solutions adapted to the different needs of its customers. For a global automobile manufacturer, the company successfully developed a unique compatible software solution with a hardware security module, allowing it to meet security requirements without replacing existing semiconductor chips. Compared to traditional methods, this solution reduced costs, labor and time by more than 50%.
Equipped with internationally patented technology, FESCARO’s automotive cybersecurity solution was the first in South Korea to receive FIPS 140-2 certification from the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), confirming the safe’s reliability for use by the US Department of Defense . In addition, FESCARO has achieved Level 2 of Automotive SPICE, a model for evaluating development processes to improve the quality of automotive software. The solution was applied to 11 vehicle types from five global car manufacturers.
FESCARO’s international position is further strengthened through its strategic partnerships with the world’s leading and second-largest automotive semiconductor companies. The company’s commitment to excellence and innovation has also enabled it to be recognized by CIOReview APAC as one of the top 10 automotive solutions providers in 2023 (Top 10 Automotive Solutions Providers 2023).
FESCARO has distinguished itself by achieving cybersecurity level 0.5 and has been recognized for its practical capabilities throughout the vehicle life cycle. “Our competitive advantage lies in our proactive approach,” said Seok-min Hong, CEO of FESCARO.
We strive to offer even more advanced and sophisticated solutions based on our extensive experience and success stories. If you encounter difficulties with automotive software, FESCARO is here to identify technical advances and support you, explains Hyun-jung Lee, Chief Technology Officer at FESCARO.
FESCARO is a company specializing in automotive cybersecurity, founded in 2016 by a developer of automotive electronic systems and a hacker with good intentions. The company has expanded its business to include next-generation ECU and Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) solutions, thereby making concrete progress towards “mobility for all”. |
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Press release sent on November 26, 2023 7:05 p.m. and distributed by: