Festival summer can promote the spread of

Festival summer can promote the spread of smallpox

Of . – 04/06/2022 17:45 (act 04/06/2022 17:45)

According to the WHO, festivals and major events in the summer of 2022 could promote the spread of smallpox in Europe.

According to the WHO, festivals and major events in the summer of 2022 could promote the spread of smallpox in Europe. ©APA/Andrea Schnartendorff/RKI/Andrea Männel (symbolic image)

The World Health Organization warns of a rapid spread of smallpox at major events such as festivals.

After a two-year break in Corona, revelers can look forward to festivals again this year. However, the WHO has warned against the spread of monkeypox in large events. “The potential for transmission in Europe and elsewhere is high,” warns Hans-Henri Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe.

Summer festival may favor the spread of monkeypox

US data: Hundreds of smallpox cases in over 20 countries

According to US information, hundreds of cases of monkeypox virus disease are now known in more than 20 countries. The US health authority CDC announced on Friday that it was aware of more than 700 smallpox cases in 21 countries. All patients recovered or have already recovered and, according to the available information, there were no deaths.

14 smallpox cases are travel-related

In the current outbreaks, of the first 17 smallpox cases outside Africa, 16 have occurred in men who say they have sex with men, according to the CDC report. 14 cases are said to be travel related.

Germany reported 65 smallpox cases on Friday

According to the CDC, 20 cases have been reported in eleven US states. CDC Representative Jennifer McQuiston said at least one case was not travel related and it was unclear how it was caused. In Germany, 65 smallpox cases from nine federal states had been reported to the Robert Koch Institute as of Friday.

Monkeypox less dangerous than smallpox eradicated

Monkeypox is a less dangerous cousin of smallpox, which was eradicated about 40 years ago. The illness starts with a high fever and quickly progresses to a crusty rash. There are vaccines against the disease.

77 smallpox cases in Canada on Friday

In Canada, 77 cases had been counted as of Friday, most in the province of Quebec. Howard Njoo of the national health authority called the situation “worrying” at a press conference. It is to be feared that the virus is transmitted within families to pregnant women and young children. Njoo pointed out that smallpox can affect anyone “regardless of gender and sexual orientation.”