Fights and beatings in the Milan office the police intervene

Fights and beatings in the Milan office, the police intervene


Botte da orbi in the Milan Rai headquarters on Corso Sempione: the police had to intervene on site

Fights and beatings in the Milan office the police intervene

Released November 13, 2022

Botte da orbi at the Rai headquarters in Milan on Corso Sempione. To break the news of the fistfight, Dagospia was with an article signed by journalist Alberto Dandolo, an expert in gossip and television background. According to reports from the portal managed by Roberto D’Agostino, in the building where various Mamma Rai programs are recorded, around 6 a.m. on Friday morning, some people gave themselves to them for good reason. These are not the conductors, commentators or operators of the programs, but the cleaning staff. The fight would not have been a recent skirmish as some police cars were forced to intervene on the scene, managing to restore calm after the riots.

“Two days ago at 6am a mega brawl at the Rai headquarters on Corso Sempione in Milan between a couple of cleaning ladies. If they are given with good reason, so much so that the intervention of some police squads was necessary. It is appropriate to say that rags fly in Rai ”. So we read on Dagospia. The causes that sparked the furious dispute are not clear. These are days when there is a lot of excitement in Rai, just think of what has happened in Rome in the past few hours. The Enrico Montesano case broke out in Dancing with the Stars and caused a real media tremor.

The actor, whose decision by Rai to recruit him as a competitor for the hugely popular Saturday night talent show, hosted by Milly Carlucci, sparked immediate controversy and protests, was sacked. That means it’s no longer part of the “dancing” show from now on. The upper floors of state television turned him away after he showed up for the show’s rehearsal wearing a T-shirt Tenth Ma.

As soon as the news broke, Dancing with the Stars and Montesano were met with criticism and protests. Many users who raised the big voice are demanding action. Even the Anpi, the National Association of Partisans of Italy, has been vocal about the Disqualification of the actor. Within hours, Rai resolved the matter and settled the incident with a final decision: Montesano had “unacceptable” behavior, hence the decision to host him. It never gets boring at Rai’s house.