1697833739 Filming About Antoine 2 Antoine continues to create beautiful magic

Filming ‘About Antoine 2’: ‘Antoine continues to create beautiful magic for us on screen’

Antoine Parent-Bédard, star of the series that bears his name, was entitled to the treatment usually reserved for big stars during an emotional day of filming for the second seasonAbout AntoineFriday at a home on Quebec’s south shore.

Arriving last on set at midday, the 17-year-old with multiple disabilities was photographed and filmed as soon as he got out of his modified vehicle by the media invited to this final day of filming in Quebec.

Then, while a makeup artist did some touch-ups before the official family photo was taken, her on-screen and in-life mother-in-law, author and actress Cathleen Rouleau, sang her songs from Dora Explorer to distract him.

Apparently, the young man with autism, intellectual disability and epilepsy likes to be the center of attention on set.

“When Bibi and Annick come to him to do hair and makeup, he is like that and allows it,” says Cathleen Rouleau, imitating Antoine tilting his head from behind to receive his beauty treatments.

Filming About Antoine 2 Antoine continues to create beautiful magic

Family photo with the actors from About Antoine. Photo Didier Debusschere/Le Journal de Québec

Big heart

These signs of attention had a special appeal because if there was never a third season of About Antoine, it would be the last time Antoine and the entire team of the series would be together.

Claude Legault, who plays the role of Sylvain Parent-Bédard, Antoine’s father, admitted he had a heavy heart.

“We developed a passionate bond with Antoine,” said the person who got to know and appreciate this boy and everything that comes with him.

“His noises used to scare me. Now it’s a bit like music. Hey, Antoine is here.”

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Fany Mallette and Claude Legault during the filming of “About Antoine” on Friday in Lévis. Photo Didier Debusschere/Le Journal de Québec

More difficult, but still magical

According to Cathleen Rouleau, filming the second season was a little more difficult for Antoine due to changes made to his medications last year.

“He’s a little more tired because we have fewer days of filming and the days are a little longer, but he still really enjoys being there. “He still gives us beautiful magic on screen, looks for the right moments and completes the scenes for us in a masterful way,” she says.

“Or he opens it. Or he distracts her. We adapt to what he does,” explains Claude Legault, reminding us that we must always be ready to improvise.

“It exploded”

New to the team, Claude Desrosiers, who replaced Podz as director, admits to being touched by the entire context of the series.

He remembers some scenes that evoked emotions. “There’s a scene where we were on the beach at sunrise and it’s crazy how it exploded. He was happy.”

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Director Claude Desrosiers Photo Didier Debusschère/Le Journal de Québec

  • A final day of filming with a reduced crew is planned for early this week in Montreal.
  • The release date for season 2 ofAbout Antoine is yet unknown.

The second season ofAbout Antoine was supposed to be the last, but its creator Cathleen Rouleau seems unwilling to give up on this project that is close to her heart.

When asked about the possibility of financing a third season of the series, the author, actress and partner of Sylvain Parent-Bédard had difficulty hiding her desire to continue the adventure.

“When I started filming this year, I called Benoit Pelletier [script-éditeur] and I told him: It will be difficult for me to say goodbye to my characters. Will there be a third season now? To be continued,” she replied with a smile.

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Cathleen Rouleau and Claude Legault Photo Didier Debusschère/Le Journal de Québec

In his opinion, everyday life with a severely disabled child like Antoine Parent-Bédard justifies this.

“There is so much to say. Life with Antoine is not ordinary. Each day is an episode and there would be multiple seasons. Do we want to write too much about the season?