Final balance What went right and what went wrong in

Final balance: What went right and what went wrong in Beyond the Illusion TV História

Nilson Xavier

This Friday (19th) the telenovela came to an end Beyond Illusionwritten by Alexandra Poggi under the artistic direction of Luis Henrique Rios. Globo’s production of Six had its ups and downs, like any soap opera. However, it is undeniable that the positive points were noticed.

With a plot generally well armed and developed, the author brought the back root serial number — that our soap operas have been in denial lately. Poggi followed paths already tried and known to the public, presenting nothing new except the trivial, which, done well, is always delicious.

Wellbuilt characters always stand out in compelling drama, even more so with beautiful outfit, meticulous production, great writing and direction, and compelling interpretations. Beyond Illusion offered everything.



Beyond Illusion

There were few. Interestingly, all relate to the central plot of the novel.


It was difficult to get used to Dorinha, a fickle girl who acted according to the script’s requirements: she went from progressive to conservative; it went from haughty, strong and determined to later tearful and suffering. Nothing beats the “rebel without a cause” phase, an unnecessary belly that only irritates the audience.

Beyond Illusion

Actually by the way a thankless role for Larissa Manola on his debut on Globo.

Danilo Mesquita and Barbara Paz Joaquim and Ursula lived, Manichaean villains but irresistible. But the cat and mouse fight between Joaquim and Rafael/Davi (Raphael Vitti) weary. The central plot was practically anchored in the back and forth between the two archenemies. one Annoying Tom & Jerry.


About the…

Beyond Illusion

were the parallel shots who interested the audience: the soldiers in World War II, the girl’s love for a priest, the aspiring singer with no character and others.


The Whereabouts of Heloísa’s Missing Daughter (Paloma Duarte) performed best. Alexandra Poggi had no qualms about taking on the melodrama. one”birthright” revised in a way that hasn’t been seen in our soap operas for a long time.

The author had the support of the director and the talent of a strong cast with great interpretations Paloma Duarte (Heloise) Antonio Calloni (Mathias) Malu Galli (purple) and Eriberto Leao (Leonidas).

Beyond Illusion

Also great work by Debora Ozório, Claudio Jaborandy and Patrícia Pinho, like Olivia, Benê and Fátima daughter of Heloísa and her foster parents. Olivia still had her own conspiracy: the leader’s worker who falls in love with a priest, Tenorio (Jayme Matarazzo).

Another good plot involved Lorenzo (Guilherme Prates), who met his friend Bento (Matheus Dias) to go to war to keep him away from his beloved Leticia (Larissa Nunes). But despite the good beginning and end, the plot had a boring core.


weird core

Beyond Illusion

The cores of casino and radio provided the comic relief audiences needed to bear the brunt of the dramas. veterans, Paul Betty (Constantine), Alexandra Richter (Julinha) and Arlet Salles (Santa) stood out along with two young and talented actresses who promise: Carolina Dallarosa Arminda and Caroline Romano Mariana.

Another who excelled at making people laugh was Mariah da PenhaShe, like Manuela, rightly has a slogan: “I’m serious, I don’t do bullshit!”. Speaking of “Fudge,” the old phrases, slang, and expressions uttered in abundance and consistency by the characters added an extra charm to the dialogues. “Carambola!”.


Feuilleton carpentry

Beyond Illusion

Good characters and promising plots would have little success if it weren’t for the carpentry of Alexandra Poggi in the development of your newsletter. From the start, the author knew how to rouse audiences by involving them in her actions so that the Cathars could take place in style.

The author kept what the novel promised: the suffering of the good was compensated, the bad guys were punished and love triumphed, with direct redemption for some bad guys.

Beyond Illusion he laudably delivered the needed escapism not seen in Globo’s sixhour volume in years.

PS: Three names cannot be missing from the candidates for the awards of the year: Paloma Duarte, Antonio Calloni and Malu Galli.

About the author

Nilson Xavier has been a fan of television since childhood: from the age of 10 he systematically cataloged everything he saw, including soap operas. Searching for casts and curiosities about this universe has become a hobby. With the Internet, his novels went online: In 2000, he launched the website dramaturgythe aftermath of which prompted him to publish Almanaque da Telenovela Brasileira in 2007.

Read all of the author’s texts