Financial capital rules On the way to World War III

Financial capital rules. On the way to World War III?

Marcelo Colussi*, Prensa Latina employee

Since the beginning of the 20th century, capitalism expanded phenomenally and became imperialistic. Today, the global architecture of the economy is determined by a financial capitalism that manages almost everything, protected by the US dollar and whose final guarantee is the immense military forces of Washington and its servant: NATO. Just like in the Stone Age, whoever has the biggest stick wins.


“Give me control of a country’s currency and I won’t care who makes the laws.”

Mayer Rothschild, founder of the eponymous dynasty


“The economic empires [como Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña] They are interested in promoting national debt. The higher the debt, the more expensive the interest. But you can also demand tax privileges, service monopolies, work contracts, etc. from the incumbent president. “If this government does not accept this, they will bring about its overthrow and encourage riots and strikes that will impoverish the nation and force it to give in to their demands,” said American historian Carroll Quigley, who wrote for Washington’s economic elite who it is functional allowed himself to speak these truths with crystal clear clarity. Said like this, without shame, they show the monstrosity of the capitalist system and, even more, the mechanism of its main power.

“Don Dinero is a mighty knight,” said Francisco de Quevedo. The megacapitals that govern the course of the world today wield enormous, immeasurable power. While the global mass of goods has quadrupled in the last 30 years, the mass of money has multiplied forty-fold. This means that the megabanks with global power have a fabulous grip on the planet. Over several decades, productive capitalism has given rise to a capitalism increasingly based on financial speculation. The world of speculative money displaced industry in its development, just as industry displaced agricultural production, the main source of the feudal mode of production, in the 18th century.

These current mega-capitals, which are developing neoliberal plans from which almost nothing can escape, are the true owners of the planet, its natural resources and therefore its population. The capitalist world revolves around the dollar, adopted by the United States as a universal currency, and is subject to the sovereignty of all states in the world. Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Mohamed Gaddafi’s Libya (a country with the lowest poverty rate in all of Africa, by the way) tried to get out of the dollar sphere by selling their oil in another currency, and the result is: they are dead, their countries invaded and their societies are in crisis (in Libya, slaves are being sold in the public square again. The “liberation” that NATO brought seems to have liberated nothing).

U.S. currency is set by the so-called “central bank,” which is responsible for printing it at will. In reality, this central bank is not exactly that; It is called the Federal Reserve System (in English: Federal Reserve System, also commonly known as the FED), but in reality it is neither a reserve nor is it fully federal. It is not a reserve bank as it does not legally maintain reserves, and it is not a purely federal bank as it is a public-private bank involving large private commercial banks. These vast capitals have first and last names: they are the powerful economic groups that control global finances and, through the so-called investment funds, they manage countless multinational companies active in all sectors: energy, weapons, food, communications, transport, chemicals . These investment funds manage assets of 44 billion dollars, with eight of the top ten being of American origin (another French and another German). These so-called “vulture funds” have only the goal of making profits: if they achieve that, they destroy entire populations and impoverish them to the point of poverty, or they destroy the environment: it doesn’t matter. It is important that “the accounts are closed”. The most important include BlackRock, Vanguard AM, Fidelity Investments, JP Morgan AM and Goldman Sachs AM.

They manage the international finances of the capitalist world (which now faces large Chinese capital) and have as operational organizations the technical arms of Bretton Woods: the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The dollar continues to try to rule and the neoliberal policies applied since the 1970s remain unwavering, although negatively influenced.

It says “that ‘neoliberalism’ has failed, and I think I understand what this is trying to express, especially when the person expressing the opinion focuses his conclusions on denouncing the regressive socio-economic effects.” But I “I immediately feel the need to explain that hegemonic economic policies called neoliberal (they are neither new nor liberal) do not pursue the goal of economic progress in society, but rather aggravate the goal of profit,” reflects Julio Gambina. That is undoubtedly the case. If there is something that makes these megacapitals – which have not “failed” – tremble, it is the emergence of similar major cities on the other side of the world, in China, and their plan, together with Russia, to supplant the dollar zone by creating a new one economic sphere will become less harsh for the global south. Israel’s situation in the Middle East today is a response to this new architecture that is being created in an attempt to create a global crisis defined by wars.


*Political scientist, university professor and Argentine social researcher, living in Guatemala

(Taken from selected signatures)