Wanessa Camargo, who was expelled from BBB 24 for attacking Davi, stopped competing for the millionaire prize, which could be up to R$3 million. But money is not a problem for her as she has accumulated a fortune based on real estate, restaurants and various other investments alongside her music career. Find out how much!
The singer has assets worth R$185 million an amount three times higher than that of her father, Zezé Di Camargo, at R$60 million. Data comes from People With Money.
In addition to her wellknown music career, the artist owns real estate, restaurants, beauty products and even manages a football team, the Anjos de Goiânia, and a vodka brand.
She also has endorsement deals appearing in music videos and on her social networks. The divorce from billionaire Marcus Buaiz may also have increased the artist's “coffers”.
Saturday's edition (02) of Big Brother Brasil showed the moment the show's production team informed Wanessa Camargo that she had received a report of aggression and that she should leave the house according to the rules of the reality show. The action was taken after a trip to the confessional of participant Davi Brito.
“We received a report of aggression from Davi that evening, at the end of the party. You slapped him while he was sleeping and he felt attacked by the slap. “Because of this slap, this aggression and his accusation, you must now leave Big Brother,” warns the voice in the confessional.
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