Find out why many people simulate an orgasm TVA

Find out why many people simulate an orgasm – TVA Nouvelles

A new study has discovered why 40% of sexually active people fake orgasm New York PostT

The study was conducted by health and wellness company Innerbody Research.

The latter surveyed 1,000 sexually active adults in September to find out their habits and preferences.

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Research has shown that 40% of men and women fake orgasm because of their partner’s bad breath.

46% of women and 38% of men regularly have the habit of faking an orgasm.

Participants reported that bad breath was the main reason they faked an orgasm. Painful posture, room temperature, lighting and too much thinking were also cited as reasons for this.

“Bad breath and an uncomfortable sexual position are two factors that can cause someone to fake an orgasm, according to the study. However, the most common reason for faking an orgasm was the desire to stop sex.”

The majority of participants who mislead their partners in this way are between 25 and 40 years old. They make up 48% of respondents, compared to 20% for Generation X and 27% for Generation Z.