Fine of 32000 euros against a historic bookstore chain

Fine of 32,000 euros against a historic bookstore chain: "homosexual content" in a comic Euronews English

Out of Euronews Hungary from Budapest – Italian edition: Cristiano Tassinari • last update: 07/16/2023 – 18:24

The book “In the Viewfinder” is the children’s comic “Heartstopper” by Alice Osemen, a love story between two boys. The fine is a consequence of Viktor Orbán’s Hungarian government’s controversial “Child Protection Law”.

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY) – A record fine was imposed on the historic Hungarian bookstore chain”lira(96 nationwide, the biggest competitor to a recently state-owned book company) for selling books with “inappropriate” gay content (and not wrapped in clear plastic).

Such a fine, roughly EUR 32,000 in Hungarian forints, has never been imposed in the history of the Hungarian publishing industry.

The book “Im crosshairs” is the comic for boys”heart stopper” (Love Story of Two Boys) by Alice Osemen.

From Budapest, the creative director of the chain “Líra”, the writerKrisztian Nyarydeclares that the so-called “Child Protection Actenacted by Viktor Orbán’s Hungarian government is not at all clear, “therefore it is pointless for retailers to try to be law-abiding if it is not clear how exactly they are supposed to do it.”

“There can be a reasonable debate about what books should be put in the hands of a 3-4 year old, I agree. Whether or not there should be any sort of sexuality in the book. But that’s a decision you should leave to yourself.’ ‘It’s totally unrealistic for 16 or 17-year-olds to let someone else decide what they can read,’ concludes Krisztián Nyáry.

According to the Líra bookstores, it is no coincidence that the fine went to the main competitor of the Libri chain, which was recently taken over by the Hungarian state.

Krisztián Nyáry informed that the management of “Líra” will use all available legal means to have the fine lifted.