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Fines sometimes higher for speeding drivers in holiday countries news

In case of speeding with a car or motorcycle, penalties for Austrians in popular holiday countries are sometimes significantly higher than in Germany.

This is shown by an overview from the ÖAMTC, which provides information online that driving 20 km/h very fast costs at least 180 euros in Switzerland, 175 euros in Italy and at least 135 euros in France. In Austria, on the other hand, speed offenders can get away with 20 km/h more for just 30 euros.

Clear differences also in other countries

In the case of this discrepancy in speed, the penalty is more than three times higher in Spain, from 100 euros, and in Greece, also with a fixed amount of 100 euros. In Hungary (80 euros) and Croatia and Germany (60 euros each), you must pay at least double the lowest penalty in Austria at 30 euros.

On the other hand, the lowest fine at 20 km/h is equally low in Slovakia with at least 35 euros, in Slovenia 40 and in the Czech Republic at least 45 euros.

At 50 km/h too much, the penalties and minimum heights differ even more. While in a case of frenzy in Hungary, for example, you have to pay from 160 euros, in Italy it is already at least 545 euros, in Spain from 600 euros and in Slovenia from 1,200 euros. In Switzerland, depending on income, daily rates of 60 or more must be paid, in Croatia up to 2,650 euros and in Austria a maximum of 5,000 euros.

On its website, the ÖAMTC also warns of severe fines for using your phone while driving, ignoring a red light and illegally parking outside.