Finland: Sanna Marin resigns as head of SDP

With the same simple but direct style that made her a global icon, Greetings from Sanna Marin, thank you and on we go. “It was a great honor for me, but I have to admit that my resistance has been put to the test in recent years,” said the youngest and most famous Finnish Prime Minister in the first press conference after Sunday’s election defeat. when his Social Democrat party finished third with 19.9% ​​of the vote, behind centre-right Petteri Orpos and Sovereignists Riika Purra.

Marin has closed the doors to future political posts beyond the role of simple deputy: tomorrow she will leave the top of government and most importantly roles in the next executive branch with a liberal pull but definitely not accepting election results, likely in a broad coalition. For the Prime Minister “rock star”, as she was also called at home because of her rock passion, which cost her a drug test after a wildly dancing party, there was already talk of a role as foreign minister in Finland, precisely because of his commitment to Helsinki’s NATO Accession and its popularity abroad. “I don’t think it’s likely that I’ll be part of the ministerial team,” Marin interrupted.

For her pro-European and Atlantic line, the outgoing prime minister was also indicated by rumors in Brussels as a possible successor to Stoltenberg at the head of the alliance or as a candidate for the presidency of the European Commission in 2024. Her very tough stance on Russia over the invasion of Ukraine a year ago had put the young but determined prime minister in the spotlight. His video, which said that “the only way out of the conflict is for Russia to leave Ukraine,” had gone viral for its narrow effectiveness. But again, you denied having been offered any proposals: “I was not offered an international post.

Meanwhile, Finland is also turning the page: Now it’s up to the liberal Orpo, who has reached 20.8 percent with the National Coalition Party, to become the next prime minister, but he must first find a majority to support him among the True Finns’ sovereigns, who have 20.1 percent and the social democrats.

‘Real Finns move from Id group to Ecr to Pe’
The True Finns party, which achieved a historic result in last weekend’s elections by taking second place and overtaking outgoing Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Social Democrats, has announced its intention to form the European Identity and Democracy Group, led by the member of the Lega Nord, Marco Zanni, to leave the Group of European Conservatives and Reformists of the Ecr, the parliamentary delegation of the European party chaired by Giorgia Meloni. This was reported by the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.

“We want to belong to a group in the European Parliament whose parties are united in the uncompromising defense of Western civilization and the architecture of European security policy,” the party said in a statement to the newspaper. For True Finns, the one in Ecr is a comeback. Your delegation was already part of this group during the 2014-2019 European Parliament legislature. Currently her delegation in the Eurochamber consists of only two MEPs, but if the results of the national elections are confirmed at the next European elections, her delegation could grow significantly and swell the Conservative ranks.

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