Finnish cold freezes boiling water as soon as it comes

Finnish cold freezes boiling water as soon as it comes into contact with the icecold air

1 of 1 In a video recorded in the US, an internet user jokes about throwing boiling water into the cold air.

In a video recorded in the US, an internet user jokes about throwing boiling water into the cold air. Reproduction/YouTube

A New Year's Eve with temperatures of 30°C is by no means unusual in South America, but for those who spend the day in the far north of the planet, there is also some fun to be had here and there. . In addition to walks in the snow and views of the Northern Lights, one game has long been attracting attention in Internet posts: suddenly frozen water.

The game uses boiling water in a daring challenge: Internet users throw the liquid into the air, which, even at around 100°C, magically instantly transforms into airborne ice flakes. But remember: it only works in such extremely cold temperatures!

The joker at the time was 49yearold sales manager Lauri Untamo, who was interviewed by the Portal agency about this experience. Although he is Finnish, he speaks enthusiastically about the “Frozen Water Challenge” in the Nordic version.

The region recorded cold records: the lowest temperature in 25 years was recorded on Friday (3) in the north of the country, already on Arctic soil, at 44.3 ° C. Untamo chose Pyhatunturi, a little further south, to spend the end of the year.

“I had seen videos of the trick on social media or YouTube showing it was possible, but when it was minus 30 degrees or more I was never at the right temperature to try it,” the tourist said.

He said he boiled water in his hut, quickly carried it outside and threw it in a hoop over his head. The water immediately turned into an icy cloud and dissipated without any risk of burning him.

Watch the phenomenon happen in this YouTube video, recorded in Michigan (USA) at 30°C:

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