Fiorello the sudden news he apologizes and then announces Enough

Fiorello, the sudden news: he apologizes and then announces: “Enough, it’s over” Grantennis Toscana

Fiorello, the shocking news. The words of the Sicilian showman have arrived, the most feared because they mark the end of everything.

These are the weeks of the great revolution in Rai. The new leadership, appointed by the new government majority, took office in Viale Mazzini. Familiar voices that have left public television, familiar faces cheering on the iconic horse.

Message from Rosario Fiorello Unfortunately, Fiorello’s message speaks for itself (photo Ansa) –

A problem that does not touch at all Fiorelloone and only, true champion of our television. The only one being chased by job offers instead of chasing after them. Rosario Tindaro Fiorello, born in 1960, born in Catania, is the first of four siblings, Anna, Catena and Fiorellino Beppe. Its second name, Tindaro, is in honor of the Black Madonna of the Tindari Sanctuary. Sicily, the name Tindaro and the place Tindari are all elements that almost fatally lead to the magic of Andrea Camilleri.

The Journey to Tindari is in fact the title of one of the most famous crime novels by the brilliant Porto Empedocle writer. Three seemingly inexplicable murders that only Inspector Montalbano can piece together and solve the apparent mystery. Sicily, its wonders, its sparkling colors, its unspeakable contradictions. There is a little bit of all of that in the great daughter personalities of this wonderful country. With Andrea Camilleri as well as with Rosario Fiorello.

Rosario embodies the charisma of his country, the unconditional desire to show the most beautiful side of Sicily. A scintillating talent who was born a tourist entertainer and manages to gain recognition everywhere by being addressed only by his last name. And when Rome, also the entertainment capital, welcomed him, here was an opportunity not to be missed, one that can truly transform a person’s life. Historical choreographer Gino Landi, who died last January, reported it to Pippo Baudo.

Fiorello, Future by vivarai2Fiorello in Via Asiago, complete success – ​​(Photo ANSA

It’s 1984 and the well-known Sicilian presenter is doing the casting for him Fantastic. However, Fiorello’s audition did not go well. Years later, Pippo Baudo recalled that moment: “In the audition, you can do it in 5 minutes. Fiorello made it to 50. And I told him. “You’re good but fantastic, I have to do it, not you.” Fiorello was rejected and Pippo Baudo confessed to having taken “a gigantic patch”, as reminds us.

But this talent is irrepressible and some time later Claudio Cecchetto notices him, who takes him to Radio Deejay. Among other things, Fiorello can sing very well and that’s why the well-known producer and talent scout lets him record a couple of records entitled “Truly False and Again False”, in which the new Sicilian voice reinterprets famous pieces of Italian and international music. In the meantime, his name is circulating quickly and the opportunity to do so karaoke It represented its final consecration on the Mediaset channels.

It is the moment when Italian television realizes that it has discovered a thoroughbred. A talent capable of “holding” an entire show alone because he knows how to talk and entertain, he knows how to make people smile and laugh, he knows how to sing, alone or in the Duet with the most famous singers. A showman. It seems yesterday, and yet more than thirty years have passed since those crowded squares, those collective songs at the top of their lungs, that excitement born of meeting a new face in the world of entertainment. And what a face!

Fiorello, the shocking news

And on a television that has often made artistic turns of dubious taste in recent decades, with faces that only saw one successful season and then fell into TV oblivion, his name has always stayed there, at the top.

He always chose what he wanted to do, an opportunity only granted to champions. And when television ran out of scope, he decided to wait for the right moment until it came …radio. In the oldest and most fascinating means of communication, the brilliant artist from Catania has found a new lifeblood that allows him to make himself known and appreciated just by listening to his voice. With Marco Baldini he founded a historical radio duo This resulted in a very successful program such as long live radio 2

In 2022, the radio and television show Viva Rai2! It goes back to this historic program. A resounding, overwhelming success. Even too much, as it caused the entire condominium near which the “glass” was installed, or rather the studio of Viva Rai2, to spin! where the show was broadcast. The residents’ protests related to the noise and chaotic coming and going of people on Via Asiago to be able to attend the event live and perhaps try to immortalize themselves in a selfie with Fiorello himself or one of his illustrious guests. They made just as much noise as the show’s main cast.

Fiorello, the message to the fansFiorello, words mark the “end” – (Photo ANSA

There was even a rumor that Rai would have been willing to pay compensation to the residents of Via Asiago to compensate them for the inconvenience suffered. After all the “noise” surrounding his program, Rosario Fiorello wanted to have his say. He made it his way through a video posted to his Instagram profile. A few minutes in which the brilliant Sicilian showman with the famous sympathy wanted to clarify two points. First of all, he apologized again for the inconvenience caused to residents of Via Asiago by a show whose success was unexpected and unpredictable and which “got out of hand”.

The second, much more important point concerns the future of Viva Rai2! If the show happens again, it certainly won’t be in Via Asiago. We are looking for a new location to nip all the controversies of these days in the bud. Via Asiago will return to normal as there will no longer be the crowd concentration associated with the Fiorello show. And if the news pleases the residents of Via Asiago, it doesn’t bother the many fans of the show in the slightest.

Among the numerous love messages that shaped Fiorello’s social profile is the words of Fiorella Mannoia represent the best compendium of this feeling: wherever you go, we will follow you. LIGHT UP! clearer than that.