Fire in a snack bar in Nicolet – Le Nouvelliste

Fire in a snack bar in Nicolet – Le Nouvelliste

When Le Nouvelliste arrived at around 5:15 p.m., the fire had already been brought under control by the fire department. According to Martin Provencher, chief of the Nicolet Fire Department, the event does not represent a total loss for the restaurant. In fact, the exterior structure of the building still appeared to be intact when firefighters finished inspecting the scene. “The building will not be moving. “Our teams quickly brought the event under control and ventilated the building,” Ms Provencher said.

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As the snack season is coming to an end, this event represents a great loss for the owners Louis Laganière and Nancy Deblois, who will likely have to suspend their activities sooner than expected. While Resto du Port had planned to end its season on October 9th, the fire will most likely force an early closure. “This restaurant is our dream,” Mr. Laganière confided as he watched emergency teams secure the restaurant on Wednesday evening. Although the fire did not seriously damage the building, it was the water damage that worried the co-owner.

No one was injured in this incident. The tenants who live behind the snack bar were evacuated preventatively by emergency teams.