Fired for leaving work chat on WhatsApp The company forced

Fired for leaving work chat on WhatsApp: “The company forced us to send private photos and videos .”

Lately, switching off from work has become increasingly difficult. The days of closing the office door and thinking only of your own interests are… Already a subscriber? Login here!





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Lately replace from that Work it’s getting more and more complicated. The days when you could only think about your own interests after the office door was closed are over. Between emails within reach of your mobile phone and, above all, instant messaging programs, work is always with us. And so, a Spanish worker had decided to leave the company’s WhatsApp group to take a well-deserved rest and stop thinking about work problems. But his actions cost him a lot of money… The company decided to fire him.

This happened to a man from Cadiz, Spain, who received the letter dismissal a few days after he had found some peace in his free time. The reason? Within the WhatsApp group, the work shifts of the employees as well as important messages about the activities to be carried out were also shared. At least that’s the version the company gave to its former employee…

But the worker doesn’t believe in it. According to him, the company actually forces its employees to send photos and videos from work at the workplace on a daily basis, and precisely for this reason, he refused and left the group without giving in to pressure from his superiors. According to reports from The avant-gardeNow the man has contacted the union because he believes his rights as an employee have been violated. A case that spread in all Spanish newspapers and television news within a few hours, making the news viral. In fact, in Spain, the right to digital disconnect and respect for privacy are guaranteed, and a tough legal battle is expected with the man’s company, who has no intention of giving up.

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on Il Gazzettino