First reading on the Bundestag theres a lot to talk

First reading on the Bundestag: there’s a lot to talk about with the special fund

Status: 04/27/2022 04:47

The Federal Government wants to modernize the Bundeswehr with a special fund of 100 billion euros. The project is becoming more concrete, today it is the first reading in the Bundestag. Which semaphore and opposition points are still arguing.

By Oliver Neuroth, ARD Capital Studio

The €100 billion for the Bundeswehr is part of the turnaround announced by Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the end of February. Three days after the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, he said, “We must invest significantly more in our country’s freedom to protect our freedom and our democracy in this way.”

Oliver Neuroth

SWR Logo Oliver Neuroth ARD capital studio

Because Scholz is clear: in recent years, a lot has been saved at the Bundeswehr. Repeatedly, the troupe makes headlines with equipment that is either bad or not working. To change that, the government wants to take on additional debt.

In late February, Chancellor Scholz announced that he would make the Bundeswehr fit with a special fund. Image: dpa

financed on credit

The €100 billion will be financed entirely on credit. Finance Minister Christian Lindner wants it that way. According to him, new loans are the only way to raise the special fund.

Higher taxes as an alternative are out of the question for him, Lindner told the FDP party conference last weekend: “We will then be in a position to make the Bundeswehr the most capable and equipped army in Europe.”

A plan that the Union cannot oppose in principle. Equipping troops with many billions is what the CDU and CSU have often wanted but failed to achieve in the coalitions under their leadership.

Union still cannot agree

But the Union is slowly assuming the role of leader of the opposition and does not want to simply postpone government projects. And that is why parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz talks about the planning of the special fund: “In our view, as it stands now, it cannot be approved, but we still believe that it is worth talking to the coalition on the subject. . But we are still a long way from an agreement.”

The government plans to strengthen the Bundeswehr with a special fund of 100 billion euros

Marcus Overmann, ARD Berlin, Morgenmagazin, 27 April 2022

The Union’s main criticism: clear regulations are needed on how and when loans must be repaid. The head of the CSU regional group, Alexander Dobrindt, adds: “For us it is essential that this 100 billion is available exclusively to the Bundeswehr, exclusively for defense. This is not yet certain.

The government guarantees that the money goes only to the Bundeswehr. She still wants to enshrine the purpose of the special fund in the Basic Law. And that’s exactly what the Union needs for that: the traffic light coalition can only achieve the necessary two-thirds majority in the Bundestag with votes from its parliamentary group.

Union faction leader Merz still does not find the federal government’s plans acceptable. Image: dpa

FDP angry with CDU/CSU

FDP policy Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Chair of the Defense Committee, is irritated by the CDU/CSU opposition here: “I think we should really stop playing these games now. Above all, a Union that has been the Federal Defense Minister for 16 years must now be constructive, because the broken pieces that we are now sweeping away were created on the basis of the Union.”

For Strack-Zimmermann it is clear: the renovation of the Bundeswehr must begin as soon as possible. Because specific deficits have been known for a long time. The troops need a new fighter plane, a successor to the “Tornado”. Many of the machines are now over 40 years old and spare parts are hardly available. American manufacturer Lockheed’s F-35 stealth jet, the world’s most modern combat aircraft, is set to rise.

Also, Boeing’s new transport helicopter is on the way. 27 billion are for “modern aircraft” and 40 billion for the air force in general. The army must be modernized by 17 billion, and the navy by 10 billion. In general, new ammunition and communication technology are also needed.

“Big fiscal waste”

“We think it’s a huge waste of taxes,” says Dietmar Bartsch, leader of the Left Party. He points out structural deficiencies in the Bundeswehr, such as bureaucratic obstacles in acquiring new equipment. That’s where you have to start and only then talk about spending money, it demands.

Your party is likely to find similar words in the Bundestag debate today as the government defends its bill. Although today it remains with words. The important vote on the amendment to the Basic Law and on the special fund itself will take place later. Until then, the traffic light coalition hopes to have the Union on its side.

100 billion for the Bundeswehr: the Bundestag advises on the special fund

Oliver Neuroth, ARD Berlin, 27 April 2022 4:47 am