1665562737 Mississippi day care workers under investigation for scaring toddlers

Five kindergarten teachers face child molestation charges after shocking video of terrifying ‘nasty’ toddlers

Five kindergarten teachers face charges of child molestation after shocking video surfaced of a terrifying ‘evil’ toddler yelling at them in Halloween masks

  • Day care workers Sierra McCandless, Oci-Anna Kilburn, Shyenne Shelton, Jennifer Newman and Traci Huston were all named child molesters on Monday
  • A horrifying video showed some of the kindergarten teachers at Lil’ Blessing Day Care in Mississippi scaring toddlers with a horrific Halloween mask
  • The videos have sparked outrage online, prompting thousands of people to weigh in on the situation

Five Mississippi daycare workers are facing child molestation charges after a shocking video surfaced of one of the workers wearing a terrifying Halloween mask to scare “naughty” children.

Lil’ Blessings’ childcare providers – Sierra McCandless, Oci-Anna Kilburn, Shyenne Shelton, Jennifer Newman and Traci Huston – were charged this week.

The horrifying video, which went viral earlier this month, showed several workers coercing several toddlers into behaving. A worker in the video can be heard telling the masked monster to avoid certain toddlers who have been “good,” saying, “Don’t get them.”

“The District Attorney and District Attorney met with the parents of the children involved in the incident at the Lil’ Blessings Child Care and Learning Center and briefed them on the possible criminal charges that the law would allow them,” Monroe County Sheriff Kevin Cook said in a statement.

“Parents were also given the opportunity to share information they had gathered with MCSO investigators. ‘

Newman, Shelton, Kilburn and McCandless face three counts of child molestation for participating in mayhem, and Hutson faces two counts of failing to report the abuse, according to ABC News.

It’s unclear how many parents have come forward, but at least one has signed a child abuse affidavit.

The horrifying video, released earlier this week, shows a teacher named CeeCee in a Halloween mask terrorizing children who other teachers have labeled

The horrifying video, released earlier this week, shows a teacher named CeeCee in a Halloween mask terrorizing children who other teachers have labeled “evil.”

Several students were seen covering their faces while another was in hysterics when CeeCee approached her face

Several students were seen covering their faces while another was in hysterics when CeeCee approached her face

A little girl trying to eat lunch was startled when a teacher in a spooky Halloween mask approached her and yelled in her face

A little girl trying to eat lunch was startled when a teacher in a spooky Halloween mask approached her and yelled in her face

Sierra McCandless, also known as CeeCee to the kids, was the one behind the Scream-like Halloween mask.

In one of the horrific videos, McCandless was seen grabbing children who ran away in fear when she was inches from their faces.

McCandless released an apology video earlier this month after the video went viral, saying the incident was “not intended to harm anyone” or have “bad intentions”.

“Teachers asked me if I would do it or if they could use it [the mask] to get their class to listen or to tidy up. . . I’m not a child molester,” McCandless previously said.

The Lil' Blessing Hamilton childcare worker, who self-described as CeeCee, spoke out in an emotional 19-minute Facebook video to apologize for her actions

The Lil’ Blessing Hamilton childcare worker, who self-described as CeeCee, spoke out in an emotional 19-minute Facebook video to apologize for her actions

CeeCee scolded throughout the video She repeated herself several times while crying

CeeCee didn’t hold back her tears as she explained that the toddlers reacted the way they did because they were kids. She later said the children were “her life”

The malicious stunt began after CeeCee bought Dollar General’s mask to scare her colleague.

“In short, I bought the masks to eventually scare her and they were used inappropriately,” CeeCee said in a 19-minute apology video.

“But what you all didn’t see, after I left the room, I took it off and went back into the classroom … and I was like, ‘CeeCee has the monster. It’s not coming back.’ And they would hug me. I’ve known these kids all their lives.”

She worked at the facility for four years, having started when she was 16.

In CeeCee’s video, she explained that the toddlers reacted emotionally because “they’re kids.”

“I want to give an example, I know that’s what it looks like, but it doesn’t have to be that way,” CeeCee explained.

“Well, I remember last Christmas when these kids were taking Christmas pictures and they hid the Grinch over there in the bush and he came out, scared the kids and they ran – and people thought that was funny… basically it’s the same.” It’s the same thing.’

She later added, “They knew it was me and they had the reaction that caused them to be kids and that was it.”

CeeCee did not post the video on her personal social media account but via a third party user named Richard McCandless.