Five monkeys crowd a tourist before being chased away by

Five monkeys crowd a tourist before being chased away by a woman with a shovel in China [Video]

Monkeys with threats! Moment five monkeys crowd the tourist for food before being chased away by a woman with a shovel

  • A tourist was robbed by monkeys on Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province, China
  • Animals have begun to demand a “fee” from visitors as they try to pass
  • A young man was caught on camera chased by monkeys on the steps
  • A monkey threatened to throw him off balance and go down the stairs to the temple.
  • A woman with a shovel came to the rescue, driving the monkeys like children

This is the moment when a tourist was robbed by begging monkeys looking for food while visiting a temple in China.

Footage taken in Jiuhua Mountain, near the city of Chizhou in southern Anhui Province, shows a young man climbing stairs to a temple.

The tourist hotspot, known for hosting several Buddhist temples that are open to the public, is filled with shameless monkeys trying to demand a tasty “fee” from visitors.

A woman with a shovel rushed to the aid of a tourist who was crowded by thieving monkeys on the stairs to a Buddhist temple in southern Anhui Province, China

A woman with a shovel rushed to the aid of a tourist who was crowded by thieving monkeys on the stairs to a Buddhist temple in southern Anhui Province, China

In the video, the monkeys are seen sitting on the snow-covered steps leading to the temple.

A young man, reportedly with a group of tourists, decides to fight the primates and enter the temple.

But he is surrounded by five menacing monkeys and makes a horrible cry as one of them grabs his arm, threatening to throw him off balance on the slippery steps.

After being attacked by five hungry primates, the young man abandoned his plan to see the temple and ran to safety - while a woman with a shovel scolded the monkeys.

After being attacked by five hungry primates, the young man abandoned his plan to see the temple and ran to safety – while a woman with a shovel scolded the monkeys.

One of the monkeys inhabiting the tourist hotspot of Jiuhua Mountain sits on a wall next to a stone dragon and wearily watches the woman with the shovel.

One of the monkeys inhabiting the tourist hotspot of Jiuhua Mountain sits on a wall next to a stone dragon and wearily watches the woman with the shovel.

He is helped by a woman who waves a spade. She hits the ground with the tool, startling them.

One of the five monkeys rushes to the tourist again and the young man gives up hope of seeing the temple.

Instead, he descends the stairs and goes out of sight of the camera, which focuses on the woman with the shovel as she scolds the monkeys as if they were children.
