quotFlavio Insinna returns to LEreditaquot Pino Teaching on the bench

"Flavio Insinna returns to L’Eredità", Pino Teaching on the bench after Il Mercante’s flop in Fiera? He comments: "I can’t listen to you anymore"

Sometimes (let’s say a mea culpa, because ‘it must have happened to us too’) the word “Flop“with a touch of lightness. It is true that today there is no lack of data to use in this regard when the flop is complete and there is no longer any objection then we would need another, clearer one. This is the case The wild merchantTothe game show from Pino Teach already broadcast once Tg2 sin the second public service network.

Now, with a share that has fallen below 2%, with Rai advertising Far from sitting in calm waters and letting Tg2’s editorial team protest against the “non-existent driving force” in terms of ratings, the easiest thing would have been to close Il Mercante in Fiera and many expensive things. Difficult, however, when the show is broadcast TeleMeloni And Meloni’s host is a dear friend. So nothing, trying to get VIP guests to take part in the program: you never know, the trick is old, but maybe it will work. The first to “sacrifice” himself is Carlo Conti who shows up in a sports outfit with the face of someone who thinks: “But wouldn’t it be better to leave everything alone in the gifs with Cloris Brosca?” The trick doesn’t work and the game always remains at this number of listeners, only a couple.

In the meantime, Teach lets off steam: Nobody trusts him – he says – and he is paying a high price for his friendship with the Prime Minister. You try to understand him, he even tries to put himself in his shoes, but then he remembers: “the Pine package“also includes hosting one of RaiUno’s most successful programs, The legacy And since we are simple people who live by proverbs, the saying “If you want too much, you won’t get anything” comes to mind. Moreover, with these dark moonlights (the public service flagship is the only one that “holds on” in a domino of failures of the Telemeloni brand and RaiTre only has coffee machines left), Who would want to risk reducing L’Eredità’s shareholding by confirming the management of Insegno? Certainly not Banijaywho produces and owns the format and can therefore decide on the host in agreement with Rai top management.

Accordingly Corriere della Sera The decision has been made: Insinna owner, I teach “Bank”. What then, the mockery of the fact that the first three letters of the surname are the same, let’s forget it. TO FQMagazine Rai sources say the die isn’t cast yet, but we’re close. The mocking, or perhaps sensational, thing is that Pino Insegno had not told L’Eredità about it from a random passerby: the Rai leaders themselves had said this when presenting the schedules. Drive backwards with the handbrake on.

To update: a couple seconds since the publication of this article, Pino Teach Comments on the Corriere’s indiscretion towardsAdnkronos with a dry: “Someone’s free words…. I can’t stand listening to you anymore.. In short: According to the host, everything is going smoothly. And fortunately “words are free”. We can’t wait to guess the guillotine (the show’s famous final game).

Update Part II: There needs to be some movement in the corridors of Viale Mazzini and no, no shared team-building snack. Those responsible want to let us know at around 5 p.m Lapresse and as anticipated here that “the decision on L’Eredità’s conduct, whatever it may be, has not yet been made.” We will decide it together with Banijay Italia by November.”