Flavio Montrucchio heartbroken Everything was different until a few years

Flavio Montrucchio heartbroken: “Everything was different until a few years ago” | What a pain Belligea.it

Flavio Montrucchio (screenshot image from Mediaset TV) – belligea.it

What has changed for the famous presenter Flavio Montrucchio: Nobody would have expected a similar ending.

Flavio Montrucchio He is now known as a presenter, but this moment is certainly one of the most discussed moments of his life landing temporary on the island of Famous.

Actually, a Montrucchio it was agreed can choose one Surprise to his wife, in this edition among the castaways of the island of the famous, well-known star Alessia Left-handed.

The moment of appearance of Flavius Montrucchio In front of his wife, it is still remembered today as one of the most romantic gestures ever: his devotion was emotional for everyone, tears flowed in abundance. At that moment he declared his love for her again and reaffirmed it dedication and how much Alessia meant to him before To all of Italy, speaking from a boat with a Megaphone.

It seems, but what Very Is changed of that Day: There novelty The contains close Montrucchio And really difficult out of swallow for the fans.

Not an easy first date

In recent years as an actor Montrucchio He then worked as a host, notably a popular show that aired on Real Time: Primo Appointment. The to plan sees several singles briefly introduce themselves and get together with other singles for a completely blind first date at the restaurant where the meetings take place resumed of show.

Some of the protagonists of Primo Appointment are became famous, and the show was so successful that it was renewed and performed in different variations, for example on board a cruise ship. In one of the promotional videos we witness the dialogue between two singles who have just met and they execute her first dinner together – perhaps the first of many others.

“Everything was different until a few years ago”: There are a lot of changes

“I was completely different than I am now”says a girl participating in the program, “I weighed almost 100 kilos”He admits to his date. “I remember one day we were racing, it was my turn, I was doing the race, and then I heard them calling me a cow, an ox, I ran like an ox…”, reveals instead directly Cameras From First date.

In short, from stories In the to plan Hello pretty many, and thanks to the mastery of Montrucchio They certainly will be object From interest until public: it’s certainly not easy hold a man Crowd From strong emotions, but the conductor he will be able to do it thanks to his temperament And Professionalism.