Floods in Libya According to the Red Cross at least

Floods in Libya: According to the Red Cross, at least 10,000 dead


The RTL 5 o’clock news from September 13, 2023


It is a devastated land after Storm Daniel passed through the Mediterranean. Libya was hit by severe flooding. While an initial assessment already reports 2,300 deaths, the Red Cross estimates that there could be more than 10,000 deaths. These severe estimates are due to the collapse of two dams, which resulted in the flooding of several cities.

In Derna alone, on the coast, there have already been more than 2,000 deaths and 7,000 injuries. A stream the size of a river swept through the city, dividing it in two. 20% of the buildings were washed away. “A dam exploded about 4 km from the homes where 7,000 families live”explains a city hall official. “At least 5,000 people die underwater, it’s very hard.” Help is being organized from Benghazi, the large neighboring city.

“It’s more than a disaster.”says Hassan, who was able to transport 35 ambulances there with his NGO. “I saw corpses all over the streets, the hospital morgues are full, So they put the bodies outside. And that’s just the visible part of the drama, because there are still many of them underground. To help them cope, rescuers are urgently calling for helicopters and more experienced teams to be sent.

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