During Hurricane Ian, Florida, a man risked his life to save that of a stray cat. The cat had taken refuge on an air conditioner motor, but the water had prevented any possibility of safety. And while a couple ran away with water on their knees, they stopped to help the sodden and frightened cat.
We are located in Praia de Bonita, on the southwest coast of the US state. Here water and mud got into everything and the entire city was evacuated. The brave scene was immortalized and shared on Twitter by young Megan Cruz Scavo, the hero’s girlfriend.
Hurricane Ian in Florida: A man risks his life to save that of a stray cat
In the pictures we see Michael crossing the brown water at knee level and approaching the cat to help him. The animal seemed decidedly frightened, but did not refuse help: he understood that the unfamiliar hand that was approaching him was from a person with a big heart, not indifferent to his difficulties. So he had himself picked up.
Holding him gently to his chest, Michael not only brought him to safety, but also offered him a new life: a roof when their home will be usable again, but most of all, a family to love and to get through this difficult moment with . .
The couple renamed him Ian, just like the hurricane that brought them together. And he can’t wait to start a new life together, knowing he did the right thing and set a good example of humanity that was rewarded with 3.7 million views.
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