For garden lovers Ten books to get you through

For garden lovers | Ten books to get you through winter holidays in the garden

The garden is dormant, but it is clear that the passion for the green oasis on your doorstep remains. Therefore, for many gardening enthusiasts, the winter period means a dry spell when it comes to pure work. But you can also use the time perfectly and prepare for the next season. Organic gardener Karl Ploberger gives ten book tips for gardeners. And of course baby Jesus can also find one or two gift tips here.

Pflanzenlovestory%20 %20Lo%CC%88wenzahnPlant a love story. You can easily propagate vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. How plants reproduce (“floral sex”), how to collect and store seeds; How to cut cuttings yourself or pluck the eyes out of a potato – everything about propagation can be found in this cheerfully recently written book. Lots of explanatory photos! Janet Grauch, dandelion, 26.90 euros. “alt=”Plant a love story. You can easily propagate vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. How plants reproduce (“floral sex”), how to collect and store seeds; How to cut cuttings yourself or pluck the eyes out of a potato – everything about propagation can be found in this cheerfully recently written book. Lots of explanatory photos! Janet Grauch, dandelion, 26.90 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Plant love story. How to easily propagate vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. How plants reproduce (“floral sex”), how to collect and store seeds; How to cut cuttings yourself or pluck the eyes out of a potato – everything about propagation can be found in this cheerfully recently written book. Lots of explanatory photos! Janet Grauch, dandelion, 26.90 euros.

Wenn nicht jetzt wann dannIf not now, then when? Garden in a way that conserves resources and is sustainable. Much has been written about sustainability in horticulture, but almost none are as practical as this book. Nothing is left out – from soil to fertilization, from water saving to your own solar power plant. Manuela Gassner, Kosmos, 20.99 euros. “alt=”If not now, then when? Garden in a way that conserves resources and is sustainable. Much has been written about sustainability in horticulture, but almost none are as practical as this book. Nothing is left out – from soil to fertilization, from water saving to your own solar power plant. Manuela Gassner, Kosmos, 20.99 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

If not now, then when? Garden in a way that conserves resources and is sustainable. Much has been written about sustainability in horticulture, but almost none are as practical as this book. Nothing is left out – from soil to fertilization, from water saving to your own solar power plant. Manuela Gassner, Kosmos, 20.99 euros.

Mehr%20Wildnis%20wagenDare to explore more wild areas! Recognize, experiment and promote natural dynamics. The author is already guaranteed a special work, as he has already written a standard work on mosses. In the sertão book he invites you to simply observe nature in the garden – the comings and goings. Even in the smallest spaces. Michael Altmoos, pala publisher, 26.50 euros. “alt=”Dare to explore more wild areas! Recognize, experiment and promote natural dynamics. The author is already guaranteed a special work, as he has already written a standard work on mosses. In the sertão book he invites you to simply observe nature in the garden – the comings and goings. Even in the smallest spaces. Michael Altmoos, pala publisher, 26.50 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Dare to explore more wild areas! Recognize, experience and promote natural dynamics. The author is already guaranteed a special work, as he has already written a standard work on mosses. In the sertão book he invites you to simply observe nature in the garden – the comings and goings. Even in the smallest spaces. Michael Altmoos, pala publisher, 26.50 euros.

Mein%20wilder%20MeterMy wild meter. Design your balcony and garden close to nature. Following the natural trend of gardening, balcony and terrace gardeners should not be excluded. This book shows you how to design nature-filled boxes, troughs, and planters in a fifth-floor urban apartment. A paradise is created for many animals. Katharina Heuberger, pala editor, 23.50 euros.” alt=”My wild meter. Design your balcony and garden close to nature. Following the natural trend of gardening, balcony and terrace gardeners should not be excluded. This book shows you how to design nature-filled boxes, troughs, and planters in a fifth-floor urban apartment. A paradise is created for many animals. Katharina Heuberger, pala editor, 23.50 euros.” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

My wild meter. Keep your balcony and potted garden close to nature. Following the natural trend of gardening, balcony and terrace gardeners should not be excluded. This book shows you how to design nature-filled boxes, troughs, and planters in a fifth-floor urban apartment. A paradise is created for many animals. Katharina Heuberger, pala editor, 23.50 euros.

natur gestaltenNature design – in the style of an English landscape garden. The reading book is a declaration of love for the garden style of the 18th and 19th centuries, which can still be felt everywhere today. The author, a “gardener”, as she describes herself, shows where it is possible to do “English” gardening anywhere – from the front garden to the park. Annette Voigt, Synergia, 19 euros. “alt=”Nature design – in the style of an English landscape garden. The reading book is a declaration of love for the garden style of the 18th and 19th centuries, which can still be felt everywhere today. The author, a “gardener”, as she describes herself, shows where it is possible to do “English” gardening anywhere – from the front garden to the park. Annette Voigt, Synergia, 19 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Shaping nature – in the style of an English landscape garden. The reading book is a declaration of love for the garden style of the 18th and 19th centuries, which can still be felt everywhere today. The author, a “gardener”, as she describes herself, shows where it is possible to do “English” gardening anywhere – from the front garden to the park. Annette Voigt, Synergia, 19 euros.

eh da flaechenEh, there are areas. More insect habitat. It is always individual initiatives that make a big difference. The author started in Bavaria to show that in agricultural and concrete deserts many small areas are “there anyway” and only need to be used for nature. Christoph Künast, Pfeil-Verlag, 26.50 euros. “alt=”Eh, there are areas. More insect habitat. It is always individual initiatives that make a big difference. The author started in Bavaria to show that in agricultural and concrete deserts many small areas are “there anyway” and only need to be used for nature. Christoph Künast, Pfeil-Verlag, 26.50 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Oh, the surfaces. More insect habitat. It is always individual initiatives that make a big difference. The author started in Bavaria to show that in agricultural and concrete deserts many small areas are “there anyway” and only need to be used for nature. Christoph Künast, Pfeil-Verlag, 26.50 euros.

Welcome to the jungleWelcome to the Jungle. Ingenious interior designs, uncomplicated floor plans, and the perfect style for a wild home. It already goes without saying that houseplants are an absolute trend, but this book shows you how you can display them even better – from DIY moss walls to terrariums. 25 DIY ideas. Hilton Carter, Ulmer-Verlag, 29.50 euros. “alt=”Welcome to the Jungle. Ingenious interior designs, uncomplicated floor plans, and the perfect style for a wild home. It already goes without saying that houseplants are an absolute trend, but this book shows you how you can display them even better – from DIY moss walls to terrariums. 25 DIY ideas. Hilton Carter, Ulmer-Verlag, 29.50 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Welcome to the Jungle. Ingenious interior designs, uncomplicated floor plans and the perfect style for a wild home. It already goes without saying that houseplants are an absolute trend, but this book shows you how you can display them even better – from DIY moss walls to terrariums. 25 DIY ideas. Hilton Carter, Ulmer-Verlag, 29.50 euros.

Schaufel Rechen GartenschereShovel, rake, secateurs. What your hands need. Something of Barbara Frischmuth, who is a gardener and writer through and through, has finally appeared again. In the book she lovingly describes her relationship with the garden, with the plants and animals and with the tools that accompany us when we garden. Barbara Frischmuth, Residenz Verlag, 15.50 euros. “alt=”Shovel, rake, secateurs. What your hands need. Something of Barbara Frischmuth, who is a gardener and writer through and through, has finally appeared again. In the book she lovingly describes her relationship with the garden, with the plants and animals and with the tools that accompany us when we garden. Barbara Frischmuth, Residenz Verlag, 15.50 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Shovel, rake, scissors. What your hands need. Something of Barbara Frischmuth, who is a gardener and writer through and through, has finally appeared again. In the book she lovingly describes her relationship with the garden, with the plants and animals and with the tools that accompany us when we garden. Barbara Frischmuth, Residenz Verlag, 15.50 euros.

Schreiber Schreibers NaturariumSchreiber naturário. A non-fiction book as colorful, inviting and diverse as nature. When a biologist who also writes novels observes the course of the year in nature and in the garden, something exciting emerges. Lots of basic information about how nature works and how everything is interconnected. Charming illustrations by the author herself. Jasmin Schreiber, eichborn-Verlag, 26.80 euros. “alt=”Schreiber naturário. A non-fiction book as colorful, inviting and diverse as nature. When a biologist who also writes novels observes the course of the year in nature and in the garden, something exciting emerges. Lots of basic information about how nature works and how everything is interconnected. Charming illustrations by the author herself. Jasmin Schreiber, eichborn-Verlag, 26.80 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

Schreiber's Naturarium. A non-fiction book as colorful, inviting and diverse as nature. When a biologist who also writes novels observes the course of the year in nature and in the garden, something exciting emerges. Lots of basic information about how nature works and how everything is interconnected. Charming illustrations by the author herself. Jasmin Schreiber, eichborn-Verlag, 26.80 euros.

Der%20kleine%20Drache%20KokosnussThe little coconut dragon. My first book about forests. There are many kindergarten books, but this one stands out for its sweetness when the teacher explains the forest habitat to the cauliflower. Lots of simple experiments to try and – once again – a book that will probably show many new things to many adults. cbj publisher, 13.40 euros. “alt=”The little coconut dragon. My first book about forests. There are many kindergarten books, but this one stands out for its sweetness when the teacher explains the forest habitat to the cauliflower. Lots of simple experiments to try and – once again – a book that will probably show many new things to many adults. cbj publisher, 13.40 euros. ” loading=”lazy” width=”800″ height=”400″/>

The little coconut dragon. My first book about forests. There are many kindergarten books, but this one stands out for its sweetness when the teacher explains the forest habitat to the cauliflower. Lots of simple experiments to try and – once again – a book that will probably show many new things to many adults. cbj publisher, 13.40 euros.