1708765588 For Joe Biden Donald Trump has no courage

For Joe Biden, Donald Trump has “no courage”

Biden/X Joe Biden condemns Donald Trump, who compares himself to Alexei Navalny in a video published on February 23, 2024.


Joe Biden condemns Donald Trump, who compares himself to Alexei Navalny in a video published on February 23, 2024.

UNITED STATES – The video is only 22 seconds long, but the message is clear. Nine months before the American presidential election, in which the Biden-Trump duel has every chance of being repeated, the Democratic president attacked this Friday, February 23, his Republican rival, who in recent days has continued to feud with the Russian opponent Alexei Navalny compared.

In the short clip published on his X account (ex-Twitter), the image is divided into two parts. Joe Biden looks at the tablet in his hands in the upper part, while an interview with Donald Trump is broadcast in the lower part.

Nikki Haley is stubbornly against Donald Trump and for several You cannot view this content because:

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There, a journalist asks the Republican, who is campaigning in South Carolina, the next state to participate in the Republican primary this Saturday, February 24, how he plans to pay the very large fine that he has been sentenced to in one was convicted in a tax fraud case. He replies in the simplest way possible: “It’s a form of Navalny.” »

It is not the first time that Donald Trump has compared himself to Vladimir Putin's main opponent, who died on February 16 in an Arctic colony. Two days after the announcement of the death of the anti-corruption activist, the billionaire mentioned his name in his network Truth Social in order to better serve his own interests and claim to be the victim of an intrigue led by the American government and judiciary.

Trump, according to Biden, a pawn for Putin

For months, Donald Trump has claimed to be the target of a witch hunt. That story works with his supporters: Despite multiple charges, sometimes brought at the federal level, he largely dominates the Republican primaries and is running neck and neck against Biden in November.

Nikki Haley is stubbornly against Donald Trump and for several

In his messages on Truth Social, the real estate tycoon, so quick to compare himself with the Russian opponent, did not, however, condemn the Kremlin's master, whose involvement in Navalny's death is almost beyond doubt.

In his video, Joe Biden then responds to his opponent: “A form of Navalny? What is he talking about? Navalny had courage. The courage to confront Putin. Trump has no courage. He's just kowtowing to Putin. »

The Democratic president announced this Friday a new round of sanctions against Russia, which invaded Ukraine just two years ago. “We cannot turn our backs on Ukraine now,” he warned, emphasizing that Vladimir Putin is “counting on” it winning.

See also on HuffPost:

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