This is not a good time to take any kind of financial risk. Control the use of your credit cards and avoid any form of gambling. The family atmosphere will be calm. In the evening, friends will help you have fun.
Characteristics of the Leo zodiac sign
Lion It is the fifth sign of the zodiac. His element is fire, as are Aries and Sagittarius.
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lion is the the most dominant zodiac sign among the 12 that make up the horoscope. It is a strong animal that reigns in the savannah and with a majestic halo that guards it and sets it apart from the rest. One of the hallmarks of Lions is that like to be admired by the people around them. It is part of this game of power, nobility and pride that so many people sign this horoscope.
Without a doubt, one of the most outstanding aspects of the Lions personality is that they make excellent friends. They engage in both evil and good and never give up on a friend. Leos excel at being loyal, generous, and protective.
You might be interested in: Zodiac Sign Leo: Personality and Traits
Good heart, good intentions and good feelings. There are three traits that are usually present in the personality of people who are Leo. Don’t let their roar and imposing appearance fool you, they are quite compassionate creatures. Especially with those he loves.
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Signature date: 23.07. until 22.08
Guardian Angel: Gabriel
Tip of the day / lucky numbers: 6526895924557