Foreign Minister Schallenberg in “Milborn” about the destroyed dam: “Indications show in Russian …

“We didn’t recognize a sign of the times with Putin, also because we didn’t want it”

Vienna (OTS) – In an interview with “Milborn” on PULS 24 (broadcast today, 21:15), Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg sees a clear suspect in the explosion of the Ukrainian Kachowka dam: “It would not be the first time that Russia has destroyed civilian infrastructure and this is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. There is no evidence, but if you ask yourself ‘Cui bono?’ – Who benefits most from this? – one would come to the conclusion that the evidence clearly points in one direction, namely the Russian direction.

He sees mistakes in dealing with Putin in the past: “If you listen to Putin’s speeches this morning, you could certainly have seen the signs of the times. We didn’t recognize it, also because we didn’t want to.”

When asked about Austrian and European migration policy, he sees the problems with returns as the “Achilles heel”: “The principle should be: whoever needs protection should get it. If we have a system where a lot of people who don’t need protection come here, we are undermining the Geneva Convention on Refugees.”

Also guests in “Milborn” at PULS 24: Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) and migration researcher Judith Kohlenberger.

This is followed immediately by an interview with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, as part of a “Newsroom Special”.

Wednesday, June 7th on PULS 24, and Joyn

21:15: Milborn – PULS 24’s political talk

10:15 pm: Special Writing – Interview with Volker Türk

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