Former Bolivian president trusts in sanctions against putschists

Former Bolivian president trusts in sanctions against putschists

La Paz, December 29 (Prensa Latina) Former Bolivian President Evo Morales today wished “strength” for the decision to prosecute the sponsor of the 2019 coup, Luis Fernando Camacho, who was arrested the day before and transferred to that city .

“Finally, after 3 years, Luis Fernando Camacho will answer for the coup that led to robberies, persecutions, arrests and massacres of the de facto government. We trust this decision will be upheld with the determination that the people’s call for justice demands,” Morales wrote on his Twitter account.

In another message, he insisted that the judiciary must prosecute the Santa Cruz governor and his accomplices in the coup adventure “out of respect for the memory of our brothers murdered in Sacaba and Senkata and the dignity of those who were being persecuted, imprisoned and.” were tortured.”

The public prosecutor of the department of La Paz this Thursday presented the formal charges against Camacho as part of the investigation into the case of the first coup.

A team from the specialist anti-corruption prosecutor’s office told the press that we are inside the file being prosecuted by prosecutors at the request of former MP Lidia Patty and others against Camacho for allegedly committing the “crime of terrorism (…) Allow us to appear before your authority the extension of formal attribution”.

He is now being held in a La Paz Crime Squad police cell as a detainee awaits his precautionary hearing, it has been reported.

After the formal indictment, there is a likelihood of authorship, the existence of procedural risks such as risk of absconding and obstruction of the investigation; in addition to the “necessity and usefulness of applying the extreme measure,” according to the official document presented to the Eighth Court of Prevention in La Paz.

The commission of prosecutors responsible for the investigation requests that the accused be held in the maximum security prison of Chonchocoro in the highland municipality of Viacha in the department of La Paz during the preparatory phase, based on the principles of proportionality, temporality and legality, as a precautionary measure for a period of six months.

The Coup File I includes former Senator Jeanine Áñez and the political actors who, in November 2019, paved the unconstitutional path to impose a de facto government in Bolivia, which later claimed the deaths of about 40 people in the Sacaba and Senkata massacres caused.

A video circulated on social networks and broadcast by national television channels includes Camacho’s confession that through his father he coordinated with police and military chiefs the lack of protection for the Morales government to carry out the November 10, 2019 coup d’état.