In statements to Prensa Latina, the lawyer, economist and politician considered the victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the presidential elections in Brazil essential for the revitalization of this regional integration mechanism.
Without a doubt, it is important that Lula wins so that cooperation and unity can be reactivated, he said.
He also explained that by the end of this year, during the CELAC summit of heads of state, there could be announcements about the institutionalization process of this body, the only one that includes all countries of the region.
Samper attended an international seminar organized by this organization in Buenos Aires the previous day, which was attended by presidents and leaders from about thirty nations.
Speaking at the meeting, he advocated for CELAC to have technical support, funding and its own structure, allowing it to represent its members and make shared decisions.
We must reactivate the Union of South American Nations and achieve synchronization, as with other sub-regional mechanisms. We need an empowered CELAC with a secretary-general who acts as the chancellery for Latin America abroad and is able to develop sectoral agendas internally, he explained.
In the current context, we must represent Latin America, integrate and respond. We hope to relaunch CELAC this year, he said.
On the other hand, he highlighted the decision of the new Colombian President Gustavo Petro to resume commitments for negotiations with the National Liberation Army for peace in his country.
We thank countries like Cuba and Norway who have confirmed their willingness to continue to accompany the peace process in Colombia, he said. jha/gas