Former employees of Mexicana de Aviacion are waiting for a

Former employees of Mexicana de Aviación are waiting for a solution to their demands

This was stated by the heads of the five union organizations they represent, although the airline has long been inactive. However, they believe they have a right to what happens to the company because the law is in place.

According to their leaders, they met yesterday with the judges of Mexico City’s First Collegial Labor Court, who pledged to pass a small group-sponsored Amparo resolution in a few hours – which could be as soon as Tuesday – that would see more money is required as agreed for the purchase of the mark and emblem.

They informed us that the matter was complicated as the resolution dealt with several aspects but within the legal framework they would try to issue the decision as soon as possible. Legally, they have 90 days to find a solution, according to a press release.

They add that they are making every effort to do so in the shortest possible time, so that there is time for the question of buying and selling Mexicana’s assets, said Fausto Guerrero, president of the Association of Retirees, Workers and Former Workers of Mexican Aviation .

He recalled that the term granted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expires on July 5 to allow workers and pensioners to resolve this difference that has stalled negotiations.

We hope that the judges will decide the verdict between today and the weekend, otherwise we would be in serious trouble. If the decision was made at the wrong time, even if it were positive, the airline could no longer be sold, it said.

The airline has been inactive for 13 years, but the unions have not dissolved and all along they have continued to fight to recover their unpaid wages, they added.

José Humberto Gual Ángeles, Secretary General of the Aviation Pilots Union Association (ASPA), pointed out that they very respectfully asked the judiciary to solve the case, thinking of the more than 6,500 workers who have been demanding justice for years .

He estimated that a positive solution could be reached by the judges, otherwise, he indicated, they would again invoke the “sensitivity of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who has been the only President since the beginning of this conflict in the Mexicana de Aviación is that he has.” was on the side of the workers.”
