Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori hospitalized in Lima World

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori hospitalized in Lima | World

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori was hospitalized as a precaution on Sunday (17) after suffering decompensation due to a heart problem, prison authorities said.

Fujimori, 83 and imprisoned for 15 years, had a drop in blood pressure and atrial fibrillation at dawn, according to sources close to him.

A similar situation led to him being urgently hospitalized on March 3, when he was also suffering from a severe arrhythmia that sparked fears for his life. Eleven days later he was released and taken back to the police base where he is the only prisoner.

The former Peruvian president is serving a 25year sentence for the deaths of 25 people in two massacres committed by an army commando as part of the socalled war on terrorism (19802000): Barrios Altos (1991) and La Cantuta (1992), where military death squads killed 25 people, including a child, during an alleged antiterrorist operation during his administration (19902000).

These massacres were classified as crimes against humanity as they were considered aggravated homicide, serious injury and aggravated kidnapping, following rulings by the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights in 2001 and 2006.

In 2017, thenPresident Pedro Pablo Kuczynski granted Fujimori a pardon. Ten months later, however, the judiciary annulled Kuczynski’s crime.

His new health crisis comes a week after the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights ordered Peru to “not implement” a decision by its highest court restoring a 2017 pardon that authorized the release of former President Alberto Fujimori.

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