Former Trump Organization CFO Admits to Crimes

Former Trump Organization CFO Admits to Crimes

The former chief financial officer of the Trump organization, Allen Weisselberg, admitted in a New York court that he used the company of former President Donald Trump to evade taxes. The 75-year-old man repeatedly responded to numerous questions from Judge Juan Merchan with “Yes, Your Honor,” as the US media unanimously reported in court. Thus, he pleaded guilty to a total of 15 counts – including conspiracy, tax fraud, theft and forgery of business documents.

With his guilty plea, the top official agreed to a settlement in the criminal proceedings to avoid a prison sentence of up to 15 years. In return, Weisselberg must testify against the company in the trial if the prosecution wants to summon him — but not against Trump himself. Weisselberg has to pay a fine of nearly two million dollars (1.98 million euros) and serve five months in prison.

“In one of the most difficult decisions of his life, Weisselberg today decided to plead guilty to ending this case and the years of legal and personal nightmares it caused him and his family,” said his attorney Nicholas Gravante. Jr. according to media reports.

In early July last year, prosecutors filed criminal charges against the Trump organization’s business practices after years of investigation. Alongside family members, Weisselberg is considered a key figure in the company. Donald Trump was once known as a real estate mogul as the head of the Trump Organization, which consists of many smaller companies. He is considered to be very closely linked to his company empire.