quotFormulate policies that benefit us allquot Luis Arce on the

"Formulate policies that benefit us all": Luis Arce on the challenges of Latin America in Celac globovision.com

the President of Bolivia Luis Arcegranted a RT interview in Spanish, in which he talked about the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) and the challenges for the Latin America.

at the beginning of the conversation, maple stressed that several Latin American countries “Today they are going through very special situations”and recalled the situation in Brazilwhere shortly after Lula da Silva accepted the presidency “Violent actions against a government democratically elected.” “It is a very difficult time for many countries and the international situation It’s also worrying,” he said.

Speaking of leaving Brazil of Celac in 2020 and his rejoining the group this year, maple expressed his satisfaction with “the return of a country as important as Brazil, not only economically but also politically, socially, [teniendo en cuenta] the Influence that Brazil has in different countries of the region.” “And above all, now we can say that we are complete, that we are all the countries that make up Celac,” he stressed.

Strengthening relations with the BRICS

Referring to the group’s relations with the rest of the world, Arce stated that they “seemed it extremely important that the Celac can strengthen relations with the countries of the BRICS“. In the middle of a situation “very important in the world. We believe countries need to have a broad reading of what is happening,” he said.

“Today there is an emerging bloc of an emerging economy with incredible potential and there is another decadent bloc and it is clear that Latin America […] cannot be isolated in the face of these events,” the Bolivian President said, adding “Bolivia made that decision a long time ago.”

The lowest inflation in the region

When asked about the drop inflation in his country maple stressed that after taking power “We have completely changed the economic model”detailing that they “a productive social economy model of the communitya total model anti-neoliberala model of the Bolivians for our economy”.

“When we took office, the country was in crisisWe were facing the first wave of the pandemic and we were dealing with the worst behavior of the gross domestic productwe had negative 12% of growth, […] in addition to the very high foreign debt and internally,” he stressed, noting that they were given “a country in disaster” and had to “take multiple actions.”

These steps paid off and last year Bolivian had “approx 4% of economic growth and obviously with the inflation lowest not only in the region”.

“We see that we should be among the top three economies with the lowest inflation on the planet and that is, I repeat, due to the application of our own economic model faced with an economic crisis that was about to come,” he said Bolivian head of state.

Under consideration of Pandemic and the war conflict in Europe“We tried again to apply our model, [que] It is a model that redistributes income, a model that closes the gap between rich and poor, a model that we reduce extreme poverty and moderate poverty, our economic model that creates economic surpluses and redistributes them in the economy.” , he stressed.

changes in the region

comment on it political landscape in the region that president He explained that “the international right, defeated in the elections, is looking for undemocratic methods to seize power”.

“We saw that in 2019. […] We see that at the level of the international right they are also trying to re-articulate the groups so as not to allow them to govern, to destabilize them governments of the left, which are formed by popular vote,” he said.

“When left-wing parties win democratically, right-wing groups don’t like democracy anymore and they start using other mechanisms that are not democratic in order to be able to take over the government or at least destabilize it,” he added.

However, he noted that “to the extent that the countries of Latin America As we continue to have a more or less homogeneous thought, it will be much easier to be able to do that articulate politics which benefit us all because we come from governments that have emerged from the plebiscite, the will of the people at the polls.” “This plebiscite, a majority in Latin Americawhat he wants is for them to solve their economic problems, solve the problems of social divide, inequality and poverty that most countries in the region have,” he said.

“We are a government who works for most population, for the poorest, for those who have been discriminated against in the past,” he stressed. In that regard, he said that when Bolivia had a right-wing government during the coup, “it realized that these governments don’t care about the people, they care about their pockets, they care about their own class interests.” Meanwhile, the governments that come to power by popular vote in democracy are “the ones who go there and worry if they can benefit and lift those people out of poverty and inequality.”


When asked about the current challenges in the region, Arce said we must “survive in the face of what’s happening in the world”in which he detailed that he was referring to the conflict between Russia Y Ukraine.

At the same time, he listed the need to “the technology to improve the standard of living, the quality of life in our countries”, an area in which “There is still a lot to do”.

“We believe in that Latin America we can develop our own technology that can be of use to our countries. Therefore, it is very important to coordinate and pool efforts,” he said.

In addition, she reiterated the need to “integrate and involve women. There are still many challenges, we come from a very unequal Latin America, inherited from the neoliberal governments of the past” who are not interested in “solving the problems of” . social structure, but in solving the pocket problems of some sectors,” he said.

“We have an accumulated outstanding debt and that is ours governments You need to speed up to be able to catch up and make up for all the time lost in decades,” concluded the President.

Source: RT News