1694209342 Forum indiscretion Palombellis decision comes great return to the studio

Forum indiscretion, Palombelli’s decision comes: great return to the studio MovieTele.it

Amedeo Venza, gossip expert, just revealed oneindiscretion about Forums as far as that is concerned Palombelli’s decision to bring a famous figure back into the studio. It is about Edoardo Donnamaria, the famous former reality show contestant Big Brother. We know that it was not confirmed in the studio on the forums, but in reality after the revelations from Venza Barbara Palombellior the landlady of Forums, changed his mind and decided to put it back on the air. Although the news has not been confirmed by the official program or the presenter, it appears to be the case Edoardo Donnamaria Join us again for the next edition of the forum, 3 days a week.

Palombelli’s decision on Donnamaria

The news reported by gossip expert Amedeo Venza should of course be treated with caution, as there is nothing official yet, only gossip news. Barbara Palombelli’s decision to have him back at the Forum studio would be a real bolt from the blue as Edoardo had been permanently removed from Mediaset.

Indiscretion in the forumIndiscretion Forum

For those who don’t know, Edoardo Donnamaria he is the ex-boyfriend of Antonella Fiordelisi. The two famous personalities had a love story within the walls of the Big Brother VIP house.

Let’s remember that Edoardo became famous as the face of Forum. His participation in the VIP show “Big Brother” was a double-edged sword, as it threatened the end of his television career.

In fact, the young man was expelled by Signorini and expelled from the most spied on house in Italy for exaggerating Vulgarity, that is, with the number of bad language said during the broadcast. This attitude, along with his affair at home and his unfortunate comments about Antonella Fiordelisi, have forever damaged his image in the eyes of Italian viewers.

Mediaset makes a U-turn on Edoardo Donnamaria

Mediasetwhich is known to carry out measures to cleanse its image and to renounce trash and vulgarity, initially excluded it from the program for good Forums the historical face, but now the indiscretion of decision of Palombellior the landlady to have her back in the studio three times a week Edoardo Donnamaria.

Palombelli ForumPalombelli Forum

Meanwhile, Donnamaria revealed in a recent interview that he’d love to be a part of other reality shows and that he’s not ashamed of being kicked out of Big Brother VIP. His turbulent relationship with Antonella Fiordelisi is also over and the young man is looking forward to finding love again soon. Fans of the former Gieffini couple (aka Donnalisis) took to social media to hear the sad news of the split between the two former Big Brother VIP contestants.