1695139585 Fourth Republic Sallusti brings the left to the rejection of

Fourth Republic, Sallusti brings the left to the rejection of migrants

Fourth Republic Sallusti brings the left to the rejection of

Alessandro Sallusti, director of Il Giornale, was a guest on September 18th episode of Quarta Repubblica, the Monday evening talk show on Rete4, hosted by Nicola Porro. The focus of the program is the issue of migrants, with the plight of the permanent landings in Lampedusa dominating the political debate: “The rights of all people certainly exist, but the rights of Italians also exist and the Italian Prime Minister must think about them.” Giorgia Meloni theorizes regular and organized flows and not invasion. In France, violent pushbacks at the borders are being implemented by Emmanuel Macron. So if the left is making the pushback, should we understand that because we are in an election campaign?”

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After him, Matteo Orfini from the Democratic Party intervened and criticized the centre-right leadership’s moves: “Saied is a dictator and we are against the agreement with Tunisia.” But Sallusti immediately makes the contradictions of such statements clear: “Then we shouldn’t Having relations with a country that does not respect rights.”

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