FPO Rosenkranz calls for a stop in the transport of

FPÖ Rosenkranz calls for a stop in the transport of war equipment through Austria

433 military transports from foreign nations have crossed Austrian territory since the beginning of the year. Most of them came from NATO and NATO countries. In its response to FPÖ MP Christian Hafenecker, the Defense Ministry also admitted that, among other things, it was heavy military equipment for use in Ukraine, the FPÖ wrote in a broadcast.

“The fact that Austria is becoming a logistic-military hub for warring factions massively undermines our permanent neutrality and ultimately means that our neutrality is no longer internationally respected and accepted. This is accompanied by a security risk to which Austria is exposed as a result of this opportunistic behavior on the part of the Federal Government and the Federal President. It is a development that cannot be accepted in view of our constitutional requirements and the permanent neutrality anchored in them”, criticized FPÖ presidential candidate Walter Rosenkranz.

Approvals are “purely arbitrary”

“The justifications given by the Federal Government for these military transports approved with the vague reference to the Troops Residence Law show that there is no obligation and there are no binding specifications and that it is a purely arbitrary act with which it is clearly positioning itself in this conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Because, according to the decision of the Council of the EU, these transports can be allowed – or not”, continued Rosenkranz. of the Republic of Austria”, says the Rosary.

Van der Bellen “on duty”

In the FPÖ broadcast, the FPÖ presidential candidate posed the question: “What Austrian foreign policy interests might be more important than protecting and maintaining our neutrality?” Rosenkranz sees the duty of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, in particular, to “speak clear words for Austrian neutrality rather than smear opponents of sanctions” and continue “to pour oil on the fire of this tragic conflict” in Ukraine.

let neutrality “degenerate”.

Rosencrantz: “No federal president of a neutral state who genuinely cares about the well-being of his people does that.” In this context, Rosenkranz recalls Van der Bellen’s statement on the ORF, according to which Austria’s neutrality could also be discussed. “In the opinion of the federal president, the neutrality of Austria is less a constitutionally fixed fact and more a topic of discussion for the federal government”, criticizes Rosenkranz. This is a “more than questionable interpretation of this position by its current holder”. It is therefore time for a change at the Hofburg.

Austria “no transport area” for war equipment

“Whoever, like NATO, supplies weapons to a party to a conflict is part of the conflict. In the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, our territory must cease to be a transit zone for foreign military transport and arms deliveries. Austria must become a no-transport zone for war equipment and ultimately fulfill its constitutionally enshrined neutrality,” demands Rosenkranz.