FPO Kickl Chancellor Nehammer achieves an embarrassing result at

FPÖ – Vilimsky, Mayer, Haider: EU carries out Russian aggression war behind the backs of the population | Liberal Parliament Club

New sanctions against Russia due to demands for an energy embargo, Ukraine’s EU membership and increased arms deliveries that are not in Austria’s interest

Vienna (OTS) – Harald Vilimsky, head of the Liberal delegation to the European Parliament, today described the demand for a resolution on sanctions against Russia over the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine as an attempt to “fight fire with fire”. Basically, he is of the opinion that the resolution’s demands, such as those for an oil and gas embargo against the Russian Federation, but also demands for more intensive arms deliveries to Ukraine or the country’s possible EU membership, are not in the interests of Austria and its people to lie. “Such embargoes, which do not guarantee short-term success but are of a long-term nature, are not supported by the Bidens, Von der Leyens or Nehammers, but always by the citizens,” Vilimsky criticized.

Approving intensive arms deliveries to Ukraine would also clearly violate Austria’s constitutional neutrality. “They also pose an immense security risk, for example when we think about the war in Yugoslavia. About 500,000 illegal small arms and light weapons are still in circulation there today. The same threatens a post-war Ukraine, which could become a Mecca for terrorists or arms dealers”, says the leader of the liberal delegation and makes the following clear: “We strongly condemn the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and ask President Putin to stop his aggression against Ukraine, which has already cost many lives. innocent people, stop immediately and return to the negotiating table,” Vilimsky emphasized.

Georg Mayer, MEP from the Styrian FPÖ, also warned of a possible gas embargo: “Prices have already reached record levels and, in the event of an embargo, they would fall completely”. , which will eventually extend to citizens. “There is no plan B that works. The EU’s energy dependence on Russia is an irrefutable fact for which the EU is happy to punish itself. At the same time, EU dreamers are preaching how the expansion of renewable energy will lead to independence. However, this is not feasible in the short term. Therefore, EU nobles make a pilgrimage to Arab sheiks to collect the gas there. They don’t care that these states also wage wars and trample on human rights,” criticized Mayer. He also feared a renaissance of nuclear energy, which such an embargo could give more force.

Upper Austrian FPÖ MEP Roman Haider feared the same effects, warning of rising food prices and even famine. “Russia is the biggest fertilizer producer in the world. Together, Ukraine and Russia account for nearly thirty percent of global wheat production and nearly twenty percent of corn and rapeseed,” Haider said, warning that far-reaching sanctions could also affect this particular sector. However, he stressed that this fact was self-made by the “Green Deal” and the “farm-to-fork” strategy contained therein. “Now is the time to completely bury the ‘Green Deal’ and work on new concepts that combine respect for the environment and sustainable energy supply,” Haider demanded.

Regarding the refugee crisis, all three libertarian deputies emphasized that all Ukrainians, especially women and children, must be helped. However, one must continue to be careful, because many illegal immigrants take advantage of the turmoil of the war and cross the EU’s external border with fake Ukrainian identity cards.

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