1694904767 France Beaudoin Live from the dream La Tribune

France Beaudoin: Live from the dream – La Tribune

Only in the sixth year did she manage to say to herself: “My God! we’ll hold on! » she says with a laugh and in her head the sentence that was thrown at her at the beginning: that she would never reach more than 250,000 viewers with a cultural program on a Saturday evening.

“I am so aware that it is rare and that it is a privilege to have this relationship with the public, with a concept that allows us to go through the years and renew ourselves (because new artists are constantly coming in) . in public spaces). It’s fabulous! Especially in a world where we all swipe! »

“But everyone’s music world is so different,” she continues. And the guests are becoming more and more precise and generous when filling out the questionnaire. Over the years a foundation was established. »

Among those who will be present from this Saturday evening are Bruno Pelletier, Ève Côté, Mona de Grenoble, Marie Carmen, Mariane St-Gelais and a special with the actors of La petite vie, for which Claude Meunier, Guylaine Tremblay, Marc Labrèche , Josée Deschênes, Marc Messier and Diane Lavallée have confirmed their presence – “I’m expecting a party!” » comments the host.

<em>Live from the Universe</em> now has over a million viewers and even reached 1.5 million in 2021 with the show in honor of Michel Louvain.  ” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-latribune-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/m30GJ0zyq3rinzLBOAczf-ZHLgw=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east-1 .images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/4K5FFQLADVENFKVFBKYRXXORLM.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=En direct de l’univers now has over a million viewers and even reached 1.5 million in 2021 with the show in honor of Michel Louvain. (here TV)

We also promise one of the iconic “kidnappings” that have become a hallmark of the show. The French singer Zaz will also take over the main chair at the beginning of October. And it’s Kim Richardson who will get the ball rolling this Saturday.

“We made an equation between the artists who came the most and the artists who were mentioned the most… and she was the one that came out. She screamed when we told her we were starting the season with her. We wanted someone to make sense with. The reaction from the audience is: “She deserves it! She deserves it!” She has been the backup singer for so many people and is such a generous person. »

Zaz’s presence had been hoped for a long time. “She already knows the show because she’s been on set once or twice. She went through the entire process with flying colors and really knows what we are looking for. »

Shivers on iTunes

France Beaudoin gets goosebumps when stories like that of Christophe Maé, who was unknown in Quebec before appearing on “Where Is Happiness?” for Francis Reddy or Dave Fenley, guest of Lise Dion. The American singer will be on tour here again throughout the fall.

“The most gratifying thing for the team is that the artists who appear on the show almost always end up at number one on the iTunes charts. This is the case, for example, with Alexandre Poulin. We don’t hammer it (there is a certain modesty in our group), but we could write it every week, even for singers who have left the public space but whose piece is on the program (some people sometimes have to wonder what happened ). the weekend). »

“For us, it’s not popularity that counts, but rather the connection to the person in the chair. A completely unknown artist can be at the top with an equally confidential song. Because there is an emotional effect: you listen to the words to understand what touched the guest. »

—France Beaudoin

The forgotten floor?

Some may have forgotten, but in 2008-2009 France Beaudoin hosted M for Music on Radio-Canada. The show only lasted a year. Could it still have been the breeding ground without which Live from the Universe could not have seen the light of day?

France Beaudoin in 2008, just before the start of <em>M for music</em>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-latribune-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/tXJmUzPJCG6RtzPD8pomd_8u81g=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east-1. images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/QHXFSHBCEBFXPM663OZ4EH2NUY.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=France Beaudoin in 2008, shortly before the start of M pour musique. (La Tribune archives)

“The concept of M for Music was to bring together everything that came out during the week, in all styles and everything that was current in music. It wasn’t a failure, but it didn’t work well enough for the station. My boss Dominique Chaloult met me to inform me of the ending and to tell me that she had opened calls for a quiz or a music game. »

France Beaudoin then had the outline of “Live from the Universe” scribbled on a sheet of folders in her drawer.

“I asked Dominique if I could quickly introduce it to him. The next day I came up with the idea of ​​what the playlist of my life would be. The working title was: If I had to sing about my life, this would be it. His answer was: “You know what? I think it.” “

Produce in balance

Some may have forgotten: it was En direct de l’univers that enabled France Beaudoin to produce it, initially in collaboration with La Presse Télé (since acquired by Attraction). The one who had never dreamed of becoming a presenter while studying art and media technologies at the Cégep de Jonquière, however, had the idea of ​​creating a show from A to Z including financing.

Pamplemousse Média produces Marc Labrèche's latest <em>Talk show</em>, <em>I come to you</em>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-latribune-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/bVgl3FfPw6h6ZihOqQfNb_aVS_I=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east-1. images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/IPB3HHLJEREIVAD25WTEJU4FCQ.JPG” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Pamplemousse Média produces Marc Labrèche’s latest talk show, “I’m coming to you”. (Catherine Lefebvre, special collaboration/Archives La Presse)

“I had gone into journalism and didn’t do my TV degree, but what interested me most was getting behind it, working on content, putting teams together and running events. I started animating, but I still had the desire to produce, find solutions and stay within a budget. In fact, I didn’t understand why others wouldn’t consider a budget creative product. »

With Live from the Universe, her interviews from Pour Porter to Ici ArTV and her production house, does France Beaudoin still have time to breathe?

Pamplemousse Média is notably behind On va se le dire, I Come to You, Return to Culture, The Interns (from October 5th on Ici RDI) and several documentaries, special programs or annual events such as La revue culturelle, The Mammoth Evening and Von Terry Fox to this day. Projects in the pipeline include We will pick up Tomorrow, an exploded concept combining sketches, interviews, games and variety shows, directed by Pierre-Luc Funk and scheduled for January 2024 on Télé-Québec.

Pamplemousse Média, France Beaudoin's production house, is particularly behind the show <em>On va se le dire</em>, hosted by Sébastien Diaz (center).  On the left, Isabelle Vaillancourt, vice president of Pamplemousse.  ” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-latribune-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/pdn3nWNE-ylqNbPv5Tu6lkRXVyU=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east-1 .images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/6GGGFEUJVVHKLPYRJZWK6RWYSU.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Pamplemousse Média, France Beaudoin’s production house, is particularly behind the show On va se le dire, hosted by Sébastien Diaz (center). On the left, Isabelle Vaillancourt, vice president of Pamplemousse. (Julien Faugère)

Bigger, more time

But surprisingly, France Beaudoin can afford to let go more often because her business has become bigger than planned.

“I had five weeks of vacation this summer. I don’t remember ever having that. At first I thought that Pamplemousse Média would be a slightly smaller company than it is currently. But it was made clear to me that she would have been more vulnerable. If a broadcaster decides not to renew your show (which is completely normal in this profession), it is very important that you do not find yourself in a situation of uncertainty that would force you to fire employees and leave your premises and start again. »

“What interested me most was being behind it, working on the content, putting together teams and organizing events,” admits France Beaudoin.

“To find the balance,” she continues, “we decided to work with my financial advisor Isabelle two years ago.” [Vaillancourt] and Lisa [Pruneau] – We form a strategy trio – to increase production, to achieve this consistency of teams and to create more freely. It really changed things. I thought I would have more time for myself by staying small, but I have more because my company is bigger, the staff is stable, efficient… and happy! So it’s a lot easier for me… and for everyone actually. »

“That doesn’t mean I’m distant,” she adds. I remain very committed, but I also trust people and get the best out of them. Ultimately, if I hire them, it’s because I’m not the best in all areas. »

—France Beaudoin

After her car accident in 2013, which luckily left her with no after-effects, France Beaudoin adopted a slower lifestyle, including walking 90 minutes a day. Despite her diverse projects, she managed not only to maintain this, but even to increase it.

“I do it every day, morning or evening… and I bring my boxes with me to learn my lines. I never manage less than five kilometers, but very often I manage almost ten kilometers a day. The people in the neighborhood know my race track well now,” she says with a laugh.