France celebrates Indias Modi at Bastille Day celebrations Portal

France celebrates India’s Modi at Bastille Day celebrations – Portal

PARIS, July 14 (Portal) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was honored with one of France’s most spectacular awards as the guest of honor at the Bastille Day military parade on Friday, part of a visit that sealed high-profile defense deals.

Modi and President Emmanuel Macron watched as French and Indian soldiers marched down the tree-lined Champs-Élysées Avenue in Paris, while French-made Rafale fighter jets, bought by India in 2015, took part in a flyby over the Arc de Triomphe.

The national celebrations come at a sensitive time for Macron, who was also booed by some members of the public as he drove down the Champs-Élysées in a military van.

His decision to raise the retirement age sparked months of protests this spring and has hurt his popularity ratings.

Modi began a two-day visit to Paris on Thursday during which he was awarded the Legion of Honour, France’s highest decoration.

“(India) is a giant in world history that will play a crucial role in our future,” Macron said in a speech late Thursday. “It’s also a strategic partner and friend.”

The parade comes after New Delhi initially gave approval to purchase 26 additional Rafale jets for its navy and three Scorpene-class submarines. This deepens defensive ties with Paris as the two nations seek allies in the Indo-Pacific.

The total value of the purchases is expected to be around 800 billion rupees ($9.75 billion), according to a source familiar with the details, although this was still the subject of negotiations.

France has been one of India’s closest partners in Europe for decades. It was the only western country not to impose sanctions on New Delhi after India conducted nuclear tests in 1998.

India has relied on French fighter jets for four decades. Prior to purchasing the Rafale from Dassault Aviation, India purchased Mirage jets in the 1980s, which still include two Air Force squadrons.

The aging fleet of Russian-made Indian aircraft, Moscow’s inability to carry out maintenance and delays in India’s domestic production schedules have led to the two new defense deals.

Later on Friday, Macron Modi will be hosted at the Elysee Palace for talks ahead of a state banquet at the Louvre Museum.

However, Modi’s visit was also criticized by human rights organizations concerned about the perceived increasingly authoritarian nature of Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and allegations of discrimination against minorities.

“Today Emmanuel Macron is rolling out the red carpet for Narendra Modi,” French human rights group Ligue des Droits de l’Homme (LDH) said on Twitter. “Concerned about India’s authoritarian turn, the LDH declines this invitation, which sends a disastrous signal and negates our democratic values.”

For France, the strategic partnership with India is crucial as the country looks to consolidate its alliance network in the Indo-Pacific region after Australia suffered a setback when Canberra decided to abandon a major French submarine contract and join the AUKUS alliance with Great Britain and the United Kingdom to form United States.

Both India and France have keen interests in the Indian Ocean through their island territories and are concerned about China’s growing clout in the region.

Macron invited only a few world leaders to the Bastille Day military parade.

He invited Donald Trump to the 2017 celebrations, and the then-US President was so impressed with the French parade that he asked Pentagon officials to try a similar parade to celebrate American troops.

Reporting by Michel Rose, edited by Frances Kerry and Nick Macfie

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