France criticism of Macron for advice entrusted to McKinsey More

France, criticism of Macron for advice entrusted to McKinsey: “More than a billion issues in 2021 alone”

French President and candidate for the Elysée Emmanuel Macron, denouncing the “controversies” related to the controversy surrounding the contracts concluded between the State and consultancies such as the American McKinsey in the last five years. On March 17, the Senate announced that state regulations apply to this type of performance “More than doubled” achieve between 2018 and 2021 a record of over one billion euros in 2021. Incidentally, McKinsey was the French state’s most indemand consulting firm during the pandemic. A contentious topic used in recent days by Macron’s political opponents in relation to the April 1024 vote. Also a year ago the Draghi government was asked for “technical” advice on the recovery plan entrusted to him McKinsey for 25 thousand euros.

Today the presidential candidate passed Marine LePen (Rassemblement National) denounced in the polls “Controversy”to explain these external services. “We have never delegated public services to external providers,” he assured in a crowd on the street with the citizens. But when it comes to providing IT services, for example, you have to adapt to them Online Safety“These are skills that we don’t have in the state” and it is therefore “appropriate” to use external services instead of hiring new officials in the long term. “If the state resorted to this type of external service 45 times more than our partners, it would not be normal, but when we see our partners, we do 45 times less,” Macron interrupted, drawing a parallel with others European countries. In recent weeks, as the vote for the Elysée draws near, several presidential candidates, including Yannick Jadot (EELV), Eric Zemmour (Reconquete) or JeanLuc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise) They denounced the government’s use of private consulting firms. Some, like Xavier Bertrand, go so far as to speak of a “state scandal”.

Macron had already expressed himself in the past few days. “If there is evidence of manipulation, we go to the criminal,” he told the program “Dimanche Politique”. France 3. “One has the impression that something has gotten mixed up, that’s wrong. No contract is signed in the République without respecting the rules on public procurement. For the candidate president if from ministries “They work day and night”that “asking external suppliers for help is not shocking”. McKinesy is also implicated by the Senate No corporate tax to pay for years and the senators have denounced a leader of the group in recent days, Karim Tadjeddinefor perjury respect Relations with the French tax authorities. For Macron, this situation is due to old outdated tax rules. And yet, the founder of En Marche defended, “I fought” to introduce a minimum tax for large groups and “in a few months these cases will be banned”.