France the government is pushing ahead with pension reform the

France, the government is pushing ahead with pension reform: the age is being raised to 64

The French government is moving forward with the controversial issue pension reform. As announced at the Prime Minister’s press conference Elizabeth Bornethe age to leave work it is gradually increased over 3 months every year and will be 64 years old in 2030. The executive branch wants to push the project forward and still have it approved by parliament the strong resistance of the trade unionsthe left and 70% of public opinion.

Among Prime Minister Borne’s announcements, “the end of most special regimes, for reasons of fairness”, one of the main reasons that in the past has provoked the fierce protest, especially from the Cheminot, the railway workers who, together with the public transport staff, have always benefited from a special pension scheme. In addition, the minimum pensions will be increased to at least around 1,200 euros net85% of minimum wage. Among other things, the possibility of early retirement and the receipt of early retirement, which, according to Borne, will continue to be possible for four out of 10 employees. In addition, it will be possible strengthened the health prevention device for the hard work involved in creating a billion euro investment fund.

Among the first to protest against the leader of France Insoumise, Jean Luc Melenchon: “Increasing the retirement age, raising pensions, abolishing special regulations,” he wrote on Twitter. “The reform of Macron and Borne is a serious social step backwards”.

The reform proposal is expected to spark protests and heated debates in parliament. The pension reform is a campaign promise by Macron that he failed to implement in his first term. In parliament, Macron’s centrist alliance lost its parliamentary majority last year, and most opposition parties oppose the reform. All French workers receive a state pension. The government argues that the French are living longer than they used to and are therefore having to work longer hours to make ends meet the financially viable pension system. On the other hand, following talks with Borne last week, centre-left and left-wing labor unions unanimously expressed their disapproval of the proposed changes. Some advocate increasing employer contributions. The country’s 8 largest unions meet tonight to set the date for the first day of protests against pension changes.

Meanwhile, French authorities have expressed concerns about possible protests. In a note from internal information services consulted by BFM-TV journalists, the police announced this fear an explosion of “the anger of the societal component that could materialize after the government announcements”. Add, according to the services, “the rise in energy prices penalizing various activities” and “a year 2023 that promises to be difficult, with strong wage demands in the public and private sectors.” “The ongoing deterioration in purchasing power, coupled with unwanted reforms, could lead to a very large mobilization of citizens.” According to the police, the protest would initially take the form of “progress on the squares”, then “prolonged strikes in various key sectors of the economy”.