France will once again become the worlds leading wine producer

France will once again become the world’s leading wine producer in 2023, ahead of Italy

From Le Figaro with AFP

Published 28 minutes ago, updated 13 minutes ago

In France, “the situation of the different vineyards is contradictory,” emphasized Agreste at the beginning of October. EdNurg /

According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), Italy has been the world’s leading wine producer since 2007, with the exception of 2011 and 2014.

A little pride for France. In 2023, France has once again become the world’s leading wine supplier with stable production, ahead of Italy, where production fell by 12%, the International Organization of Vine and Wine notes in its first assessment of the 2023 harvest.

Since 2007, Italy has been the world’s leading wine producer, with the exception of 2011 and 2014. But in 2023, Italian vineyards were particularly badly affected by downy mildew. In France, “the situation of the different vineyards is contradictory,” emphasized Agreste at the beginning of October. Production “is reduced in Bordeaux and the southwest by mildew and heatwaves, and in Languedoc-Roussillon due to drought,” the organization noted. Elsewhere the situation is favorable, particularly in the Charentes. »

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