1675247708 Frances Fialdini quotI rival of Silvia Toffanin es the truthquot

Frances Fialdini: "I rival of Silvia Toffanin? e’s the truth"

Francesca Fialdini

Francesca Fialdini and Silvia Toffanin, challenge each other on Sunday afternoons, the first on Rai uno and the second on Canale 5. But, assures the presenter of Da noi freewheeling, there is no rivalry with the presenter of Verissimo. “It’s very important for me not to give up telling about it, even though there’s a more glamorous program on the other side. I don’t even call it competition: There’s room for everyone on TVeven if insiders like to put us in competition and it’s not even clear why”.

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In a lengthy interview with the Wom website, Fialdini then explains that while their program is lower than Verissimo’s, it gets excellent reviews. Not only. The moderator of Von uns frei also praises Maria De Filippi: “Maria DeFilippi teaches how much power and power lies in the stories of ordinary people. Regardless of whether you share the chosen trend or not, with You’ve Got Mail he presents stories in which we all recognize ourselves because, for better or for worse, they tell feelings, something universal for which we all feel questioned. “

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Then she tells of an experience as a journalist that shaped her: “For work, I have pretending to be a clochard, with the camera behind me. The most important expressions of solidarity I got from those who actually slept on the streets, or from immigrants, and not from ‘decent’ families with their haughty attitude or their tugging at their children who have stopped.”